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I am planning on having oatmeal with blueberries, nuts, strawberries, and honey. (I also always have coffee). What else should I eat to make this a healthy and complete breakfast? Veggies? Toast? Any suggestions?




  1. lots of water and fruts lots

  2. A great big cold glass of orange juice and a slice of grapefruit

  3. Add some milk, either to the oatmeal or in a glass and you're close to a wholesome breakfast.

  4. I think its fine just the way it is. You have your fruit (blueberries and strawberries), your protein (nuts), your dairy (the milk that you put in your oatmeal and coffee), your grains (oatmeal itself), you don't really need anything else. Meat would go weird with oatmeal and veggies aren't usually eaten at breakfast unless you are making an egg omlet. Sounds yummy by the way ENJOY.

  5. I add cinnamon, 1 Tbsp ground flax seed, 1Tbsp wheat germ, and one fruit... couple of raisins or blueberries, or sliced strawberries, or diced dates, ...... to my oatmeal. Oh and always a little milk after its cooked, and sits for a minute or two to thicken.  

  6. That sounds like a complete breakfast. You have 4 of the food groups which is the recommended amount. Just be sure to load up on the berries, limit the amount nuts to 1-2 tablespoons, and don't use more than 1 tablespoon of honey. Use a low fat or fat free milk. And don't load your coffee with sugar.

    You can get your veggies in at lunch, dinner, even snack time. Try snacking on cherry tomatoes, carrots, celery, asparagus, cucumbers, corn, etc. If too bland, then dip in low fat dressing or salsa- preferably salsa, just be sure to check the sodium content!

  7. PROTEIN! Try a hard boiled egg. Something that will keep your breakfast with you. Maybe some fiber as well. Blueberry, strawberries, and honey= sugar (Not a bad thing, especially since you are getting some of your daily fruit intake, but try to add more grains, nuts, fiber, etc)

  8. Hard boiled eggs

  9. I think thats enough for breakfast but if you are still hungry try wholemeal or wholegrain toast

  10. You might try cutting back on the coffee and try herbal tea. There are some nice full-bodied teas out there that don't taste wimpy.

    I am not a big fan of regular cow's milk (since I am lactose intolerant) so if it were my breakfast, I'd put either goat's milk or rice milk on the cereal. Just a personal taste thing, I guess.

    You might want to have some yogurt for a mid-morning snack.

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