
Breaking 2 Herd Bound Horses HELP!?

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I live about a quarter mile from my friends house.... Shes giving me these 2 horses.. they've both been on her farm for about 16-20 yrs...

I own another horse, I live so close that i walked the horses 2 my house....

They were kantering back and forth, Running up 2 the fence ( challenging the fence) I dont have a 6ft high fence/ metal fence/ stalls... all i got is a cloth like fence and a barn that i keep open all the time!

Is there a way i can bring them home and get the comfortable or is it useless?

Im will to work with them everyday i just dont know if theres anyting 2 be done about it!

My cousin said it might work if we put them in a trailer and dove around for a while.. it might give then an illusion that there futher away than they thougt.. but i wish there is another way!

ANy ideas?




  1. Well it is most likely home sickness.

    what i think might work is if u have maybe a visist every week or 2-3 weeks but walk them there or a trailer with a window so they know where they are and they are nottoo far away. and if they are too old to walk just use a trailer but if they continue to pase up and down and push on the fence and almost break it u can get an electrical fence.

    its like a piece of string and it is SO weak i can even hold it and let it zap me and too a horse it is nothing.

    I know it sound cruel but it is for there safety if there are posts and they break the fence down they could trip on the fence and they can get an injury and the worst die from it.

    Then u move it gradually closer to the original fence and if they take on the electrical fence then i dont know what to do most horse dont take it on. and if u take then electrical fence away and they take the fence on again just to the Electric fence about 50cm away from the fence it is out of the way but still there.

  2. go to

  3. The trailer thing likely wont work.  If you could corral them or close them in the barn  would be the only thing to keep them safe  till they calm down.. They were doing this together right? If they are separated then that is the problem.

  4. It's gunna be tough because they are older now. With young horses it is easy, with older horses its changing the way of life they've always know. I suggest getting someone in to help you. Also put them in their own paddock with a good fence. The illusion thing doesn't make a difference really...either way they're going to have to adapt. But it's up to you if you think that is going to be best. But i really can't help you out because I don't have that specific experience, it's going to take a lot of time and effort. Horses learn through repetition, so a consistent schedule isn't going to hurt at all. Good luck..I know I wasn't much help I just thought I would get a word in.

  5. Well not sure of your finances. They will become more at home with feedings & such but it sounds like you need a better fence.  If you are  broke you may get by with an elictric fence, however they can still bust through & get tangled up or ran over.  You may try putting plastic grocery sacks on your fence if it scares them.  It isn't pointless if you can keep them behind your fence.

    The trailer idea won't work.      

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