
Breaking Dawn, like it or hate it?

by Guest57226  |  earlier

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I Found Breaking Dawn One Of The Most Annoying Books I Have Ever Read. Stephenie Meyer Made It A c**p Ending.

I Always Loved The Twilight Series And The Host Before But Breaking Dawn Ruined The Series.

I Always Thought Of Bella & Edward Being Star Crossed Lovers. It Just Being Them Together Forever.

Why Did Bella Have A Baby?

Why Did Rosalie And Bella Become Friends?

Why Did Jacob Have To Imprint On A Half-Vampire And Half-Human?


Can You Tell Me Your Opinion On It And The Reason Why?




  1. I LOVED IT.

    idk y ppl dont. its AWESOME!!!!

    EDWARD WAS AWESOME. every minute was awesome!


  2. Rosalie and Bella didn't become friends.

    Rosalie used Bella for Reneseme.

    Also, I have a question for you.

    Why Do You Type Like This?

  3. I liked it a lot. It's definitely not a favorite but it was still good. The thing is, she could never please everyone and was bound to be slated either way.

    People may have been expecting a fight at the end but the front cover was a clue as to the fact that there would be a battle with the minds, note the chess board.

    Bella had a baby to add a twist to the story and to prove to people that just because you're married, doesn't mean it's the end. There is so much to come after marriage. It also symbolizes family and love, which is essentially what the Twilight saga is all about. If you reread the series, you'll see that it isn't just about the love between Bella and Edward, but also between friendships and family.

    It was inevitable that Rosalie and Bella would unite eventually. Although I think it was a little late to be making them friends, I understand why that would be. Rosalie finally forgives Bella (although it was never Bella's fault) because Bella has got what she wanted all along and she is happy that Bella didn't have to give that part of being human up. Again, if you reread Eclipse, it explains it all there in chapter 20, I think.

    Jacob imprinted on Nessie because (purely my theory) somehow, when Bella gave birth to her, the feelings she held for Jacob were inside Nessie, in a way. Jacob was always the one for Bella, if only Edward hadn't been there, so the fact that he imprinted on Nessie means that he gets his soulmate (Bella) and a whole lot more. I know that sounds confusing but I really don't know how to explain it.

    The fact that he imprinted on a half vamp half human seemed perfect. He was the one to stop the grudges etc, because he was the true Alpha and they couldn't fight against the vamps anymore. It gave Jacob a much more significant role in the story.

    So all in all, I thought the book was really good. My worst in the series remains New Moon, only because I found it depressing when Bella couldn't get over Edward.

    I thought it was a good end to a good series. People keep saying that it was so predictable yet no one guessed what would happen before it was released. Maybe if you reread it, you might like it more.

    I thought the writing style was different, but much more improved.

  4. wanted to love Breaking Dawn, I really did. But the novel lost me as soon as Bella realized there was a "little nudger." I never got attached to it and couldn't understand why everyone loved it so much. We were told that they loved Renesemee, but we were never shown. And when we needed to be in Bella's head the most to understand why she was being so protective, we were in Jacob's point of view, and he didn't understand her feelings for the thing (at that time) either.

    The book left me wanting more, and not in a good way. I was unsatisfied. To me, everything felt too neat and clean, especially after the struggles of the first three books. Sure, it had a happy ending and that's good, but I felt that it took a long time to say a very few things.

    I'm writing my own version of the end of the series, if you're so inclined to check it out.

  5. I disagree. I was little shocked and annoyed that Jake imprinted on her baby, but I got over it. After a while I got over it. The book is done. And when I think about it, it was quite good. Sure I'm disappointed with some bits but the book really made me laugh.

    I read it twice because i wanted to make sure I got it all and reading twice made me understand a bit better. I understand why she did all this. (sort of)

  6. I KNOW!

    I am such a HUGE fan of Twilight

    but Breaking Dawn just ruined the WHOLE thing for me!!!


  7. I loved it! Not as much a Twilight though,


    dont need a reason why

    just LOVED IT

  9. i kinda liked it.

    i mean know its like all happy sappy at the end and what not, but i liked it.

    idk but i did hate how she had to get preggers and ****

  10. Ok. I always been a twilight lover too. Way before lil girls start drooling over Edward and Jacob.

    I had high expectations for this book. I thought jacob was going to finally find the love of his life. Imprint and be loved how he deserves back. But I guess stephenie didn't want bella to suffer at little. Which pissed me off.

    I don't dislike reneesme but I find it a little bit confusing.  So vampires do have sperm??  After all is fiction and she can do whatever she wants with that. So reneesme is fine with me. I just wanted a better end for jacob.

    Bella came out too perfect.  Too many new characters.no1 dies there snot even a fight! I wanted some1 to die and I'm sorry for saying this but I wnated rosalie to die.

    I don't know if I'm disappointed or what

    So confused.

  11. xD Well you should have guessed it was pretty controversial from all the reviews and stuff that popped out a little while after the book came out.

    Personally, I am neutral about it. I suppose it was mainly cause when I had a look at the reviews, I was being all "OMG. It looks awful!" and when I actually got it. It wasn't nearly as bad. I know it could have been better. But it certainly wasn't the kind of stuff I had been hearing.

    Right, on to your questions!


    Why Did Bella Have A Baby?

                                              I actually have no idea on this one. I mean, Stephenie could have chosen not to add a baby in but she didn't. I'm guessing it was because she wanted a twist to the story, something that definitely wasn't going to be expected (Hah, it certainly wasn't). The only one who knows is Stephenie herself and the only way we'll know is through an interview.

    My personal opinion on adding a baby was that it wasn't the greatest of decisions, though it would have achieved it's aim in being a surprise.

    The baby seriously drew the book away from Bella and Edward, which made it seem so much more out of place with the other books (Bella and Edward was such a main thing...): ). The other point is the name, Renesmee. After laughing about Nessie for ages, I did see how original it was and it wasn't too bad. But still.

    The only awkwardness I can think of in this part is that it was a little weird how Edward was able to impregnate Bella, I mean, yes, I can understand if she never said that he couldn't and that technically his sperm still's just that you require blood for one bit that I would prefer not to talk about and Edward has none.

    Why Did Rosalie And Bella Become Friends?

                                                                     It was the only way in which Bella would be able to keep the baby at that point. Edward was set on removing it, so was Jacob, and so was quite a lot of the family had Rosalie not intervened. Besides, they aren't really friends friends, it's more of a mutual relationship rather than the relationship between Bella and Alice. You also have to consider how if Bella became part of the Cullens and Rosalie still hated her, you would have a minor problem there.

    Why Did Jacob Have To Imprint On A Half-Vampire And Half-Human?

                                                                                                     It's less that he had to imprint on a Half-Vampire and Half-Human and more that he had to imprint on Bella's daughter. Otherwise the additional relationship between Bella and Jacob would be unsteady. I know a lot of you are all Team Edward people who don't like Jacob but he does deserve a happy ending (Team Switz here :D). Imagine how it would have been otherwise; Jacob hates Bella and has his heart broken forever until he imprints on a random girl but will still hate Bella  and will agree to kill the Cullens. To some of you, that may be a haven, but be nice, Jacob deserves a happy ending. Besides, Bella would be sad then.


    Yuh, it's a bit long but there's my explanation. I'm not saying that you have to like it or anything, but I am just saying it like it is. Can I warn you that some people will either start going  "OMG, GET A LIFE YOU TWILIGHT READER." It would be good to ignore them.

  12. I liked it,

    But it looks like ''Trixie Votes 3rd Party'' Fanfic is going to be better, am reading it now, LOL its really good you know.. =]

  13. i LOVED it after all they have been thou they needed a happy ending

  14. I So Agree!

    Breaking Dawn Is Worthless - I'm Gonna Imagine Stephenie Meyer Didn't Write That Book And The Series Is Uncompleted!

    What A Sappy/Stupid Ending!

    No Fight Scene!!

    No Fun!!

    Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse Are The Best.

    Breaking Dawn Is A Waste Of Paper.

    I Really Am Pissed.

    I Thought:

    Edward & Bella Would Be Together [by-themselves]

    I Thought Rosalie Would Die.

    Jacob Would Imprint On A Human!

    Stephenie Meyer Left So Many UnAnswered Questions.


  15. Same as you I loved all the books but when it got to Breaking Dawn i didn't like it so much. I did picture just them two being together forever too because thats how it always was from the begging of the book series. And when Bella had a child i was disappointedd. And I also I didn't know why Bella had to become friends with Rosalie, i didn't think that was going to happen. And when Jacob inprinted on Nessie I just thought that was weird cause he was saying how hes enemys with vampires and he imprints on a half-vampire human.I'm not saying I hated the book but I think the other books were much better.

    Maybe Stephenie Meyer will make another book to clear everything up cause there were also alot of unawser question too.

  16. i kinda agree with you

    i found the first part of the book quite weird and annoying tbh

    breaking dawn is not reli like other three books

    yeh i dont like the fact that bella had a baby

    i mean, why can't stephenie just make something like

    volturi comes to check on Bella about turning into vamp thing

    endward refuses to do it so they got in trouble

    volturi comes to kill bella....

    instead, bella haas to have a baby

    it's a bit cheesy for me

    but still, i still like it

    im not sure why rosalie and her became friends but it might just be because of the baby

    rose being bellas friend would let her get close to the baby

    something she wanted all her life

    and yeah

    imprinting on nassie isnt reli a good thing

    but tbh i think it's because she's part of bella

    and jake loves so much that

    because he can't have bella,

    he decided to imprint on something part of her life, part of her;

    her daughter

    but he's a warewolf and she's a half vampire/human so will he be able to live with her

    they're like enemies

    plus can nassie live with a warewolf??

    she mind end up killing him someday

    so it's not reli a good idea

    i wouldn't say it the worst book

    but it's not that good


  17. i actually liked it tbh :P

    but i have heard some people REALLY dont like it.

    its just, stephanie meyers would have got slated if it was a bad, unfortunate ending with lots of tradgedies but because she made it a happy ending shes getting slated anyway so she cant win.

    i liked it 'cos i dont like bad endings - they make me cry :'(

    bella had a baby 'cos she had s*x & it was an interesting twist to the story.

    rosalie & bella became friends 'cos rosalie's always wanted a baby & bella was just about to have one.

    jacob imprinted on a half vampire half human baby 'cos... well i dont know but stephanie meyers probably wanted jacob & bella to stay in touch xD

    the only critism i have about the book is that edward didnt play a big part :/ xD


    im not sad that edward isnt in it much because i "fancy" him. its 'cos he's like the main character, apart from bella & jacob that is.

    who fancies fictional charaters?!?! xD

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