
Breaking Dawn: Bella and Edward?

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I was and still am having a family crisis and I am not able to buy the Breaking Dawn book yet. I'm dying to read it...and I was wondering if anyone could give me a synopsis and what happens at the end of the book?

Thanks..I'd really appreciate it!




  1. If you want to read it then you can online

    It's there- or it should be. I was reading it until I got my hard copy of Breaking Dawn :)

  2. basically bella and edward get married and go to an island that carlisle gave to esme where bella gets pregnant.then the baby almost kills her jacob imprints on the baby and o ya bella almosts dies after the delivery o they change her then. irina comes to the house but b4 she reches it she sees the baby who looks like an immortal child so she goes to the volturi who then start coming after the cullens. charlie finds out about werewolfs. and they gather witnesses to testify that reneesme,the baby, is growing. big fight. volturi give up. and in the last page bella and edward are kissing. it was an ok book but sort of a let down.

  3. Bella gives birth 2 a girl when she is human , renesmee is her name

    Bella turns into a vampire after birth

    Volutri try to kill kid so cullens gather all their friends to try to stop this, cullens win but no fight, aro and carlisle are no longer friends

    jacob imprints om renesmee

  4. is that the one that cam out this summer?

  5. it was too perfect in the end. it was so perfect that it was disappointing. the Volturi go without a fight, bella is superwoman, she gets to keep edward, she has a baby, charlie is still in her life, jacob is still her friend, and she has no REAL desire for blood. this was a book about sacrifice!

    Everyone was WAY too out of character. it was ridiculous.

  6. After Bella's pickup truck dies a natural death, Edward buys Bella a custom-made Mercedes Guardian. Because of her propensity for danger, he feels that Bella needs this armored sports car for safety. Bella and Edward's wedding goes according to plan and is as extravagant as Alice's other parties. The wedding has a minor disturbance during a confrontation between Jacob, Bella and Edward. Not wanting to spoil her wedding day, Bella puts aside her disappointment in Jacob's unpleasantness. Edward and Bella soon depart for their honeymoon. Edward takes her to Isle Esme, a present from Carlisle to Esme, off the coast of Brazil. Edward then fulfills Bella's wish and makes love to her. The next day they argue because Edward's passionate lovemaking leaves dark bruises all over Bella's body. Although Bella doesn't care about the injuries, he refuses to sleep with her again. In Edward's attempt to dampen Bella's sexual appetite and energy, they engage in physically exhausting outdoor activities day after day on the island. Bella implores Edward to make love to her once again; Edward continuously refuses, as he does not wish to injure her further. Later, however, he succumbs to her. They engage in s*x cautiously and he does not inflict injury on Bella. Meanwhile, she has a recurrent dream of a small, green-eyed boy that she feels compelled to protect. Bella also finds herself constantly hungry and sick. Upon seeing a box of unused tampons in her suitcase, she realizes that her period is late and she is pregnant. Though Bella has not longed for a child, she becomes immediately attached to her baby when she becomes aware of its existence. Edward, however, is only concerned for her health. After hearing stories from a local woman (who suspects that Edward is a vampire) of similar situations that resulted in the mothers' deaths, Edward wants to be rid of the baby. Book one ends as Edward prepares to bring Bella home where he says that Carlisle will "take care of it." Although it's clear that Bella doesn't want to lose the baby, she doesn't yet voice her objections. She secretly calls Rosalie for help.

    The book is told from Jacob's perspective. He receives news of Edward and Bella's return, and that Carlisle has told Charlie that Bella is quarantined because she has contracted a rare disease in South America. Jacob assumes that Bella has been bitten and transformed. He is upset when Sam Uley, acting Alpha of the pack, declares that the pack will not retaliate.

    Jacob, full of anger, decides that if the pack will not retaliate collectively, he will act singly. Formulating strategies of attack, he runs to the Cullen house. When he arrives, however, he discovers that things aren't as he expected. Bella, as opposed to being a newborn vampire, is already heavily pregnant with Edward's child. Everyone realizes that the child's rapid growth is starving Bella. She cannot digest her food as she vomits after eating. Tension runs high in the Cullen household as Rosalie steadfastly supports Bella's decision to have the baby and aids her in every way possible. Edward is furious at Rosalie and the family is divided.

    When Jacob returns his wolf state, his thoughts inadvertently informs the pact of Bella's state. This causes fear and anger among the werewolves; they don't know how the child might act since the child is an offspring of a vampire. Sam commands the pack in the double-timbre of the Alpha, to obey his decision to destroy Bella and her unborn child. Jacob, who still loves Bella, disagrees, revolts, assumes his inherited Alpha position and leaves Sam's pack. Seth, then Leah Clearwater, soon join Jacob and the threesome form a pack with Jacob as Alpha. It is discovered that the collective minds of the two packs are separate; members of each pack cannot hear the other pack's thoughts as Jacob and Sam are distinct Alphas. Jacob, Leah and Seth patrol the Cullen territory to forewarn the family of any impending werewolf attack. Esme gratefully provides them with food and clothes (since their clothes are too often destroyed during phasing). As the werewolves spend this time together, Jacob and Leah learn to tolerate each other, as each forms an understanding of the other.

    Knowing that this pregnancy is endangering Bella's life, wanting to terminate this pregnancy and not wanting to deny Bella the experience of childbirth and motherhood, Edward asks Jacob to conceive a child with Bella. Appalled and offended, Jacob refuses. Bella is touched by her husband's consideration. She already loves this baby and continues her pregnancy.

    As the fetus continues to develop at an alarmingly accelerated rate, Bella's health worsens. Her stomach is bruised in multiple places from the baby's movements. Two of her ribs crack, her pelvis is almost broken, and her pallor is unhealthy. Her body continues to reject human food, and Jacob sarcastically thinks about the "creature" craving for blood. Edward overhears this thought, and the Cullen

  7. Well they stay together if that's what you mean, they also have a baby that Jacob imprints on (Sick) not much really happenss!

  8. it wasn't as good as i thought i'd be.

    Big things that happened:

    Bella and Edward get married

    They have a girl called Renesme (sp?) it's half vampire

    Jacob is imprinted to Renesme

    Bella turns into a vampire because she almost died having the kid.

    umm, i can't think of anything else :P

  9. oh come on the joy of reading the book is not knowing what happens.

    i know your dying to read it (i just finished it yesterday) but i would wait.

    you can pick one up at walmart, Boarders, Barns and Noble, or anywhere that sells books

    i'll tell you the last sentence of the book tho-

    "And then we continued blissfully into the small but perfect peace of our forever."  

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