
Breaking Dawn: Now that I'm sure most fans have read it, did anyone else feel...?

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That with everything going on the basis of the book was fogotten. *Spoiler*

Let me say first that I didn't hate it...even though to me the concept of Bella somehow having a child who her best friend imprints on sounds kind of ridiculous. I still think it was a great book and I enjoyed it. As a fan of the series I don't think Stephenie completely ruined anything but I think the book got too complicated. I think Nessie kind of stole away from the story. Because of her there wasn't enough Edward and Jacob in the third part. I felt like they were just mild characters. The chemistry between Edward and Bella felt a bit strained and it hardly talked about him with Nessie as her father which would've been great.




  1. Okay, here we go. Another long answer concerning Breaking Dawn. :)

    Yes, I felt that way, too. Like the book revolved around Nessie completely. I didn't read much Edward and Bella love scenes (e.g., kissing, romantic lines, etc.) I really wanted those, because every time I read their lovey-dovey scenes, I just shudder and scream all at once! That Jacob-imprinting-on-his-former-love's-ch... was very disturbing. The main characters became like background characters. I was expecting a fight, too. I always thought that if Jacob died, it would've been much better. Bella would've experienced loss, since clearly, she didn't give up anything at all throughout the book. I would have cried so much if Jacob died, trying to protect Nessie from the Volturi. Now wouldn't that have been so nice?


    P.S. - I enjoyed the book, nevertheless. I am 100% Twilighter!

  2. Yeah...The book was really disapointing. I seriously think MS swayed way out of the plot. It was like she changed her mind and made it about nessie instead and when she was almosted finished she decided to throw the voultari in. Jeez. I didn't hate the book but it was my least favorite story. At least it was the last. Quit frankly i wouldn't read a fifth if she wrote one.....No offense to SM but she should have contiued with the love triangle.....That was soooo much more intersting than googoo eyeing a baby. :(  

  3. i think ur right

    there should be more Jacob and edward

    becasue it sounded like the book revolved more to Nessie than to edward and bella's love.

    And bella got everything at least she should have given something away instead of her mortality.

  4. I agree.

    She had a very twisted plot, but it was too twisted.

    And I think the Volturi wasn't necessary at the end.

  5. I really enjoyed the book, but I kind of agree. I loved Edward in the first book and then in the other two, I went kind of pro Jacob. When reading BD, I really hoped I would like Edward again and that did sort of happen, but I went off Jacob.

    Nessie kind of ruined the story for me too, because it wasn't so much the love story any more, but about her, and I didn't see the point of her. I wished that Jacob hadn't imprinted but fell in love with Leah, so that they could be the ones who were hurt by their loves and chose to be different.

    The chemistry between E and B was different. Less innocently sweet and more as though they'd been together so long that they were 'used' to each other, which kind of defies the whole point - they were never supposed to get used to each other.

    Overall, I thought it was good and was a good finale to the saga.

  6. yeah, i felt as if edward didn't love nessie like a father. he only liked her cuz bella did... but i dont know, i though it was a fantastic book :D

    and there should have been a fight, rather than lots of talking.

  7. yeah, i was totally throw off when she got pregnant , i was worried the baby thing was going to ruin it ..

    It didn't ruin it , i still loved it , but it did take away from  bella, edward and jacob

    I think it would have been better when a fight , it was really building up to it then nothing happened , with maybe a couple of the vamps from the other clans dying would have added a lot more action to it , I still enjoyed the confrontation though

    i was really really glad that although there wasn't a fight, none of the cullens were killed  

  8. I agree. I was expecting something bigger like a death of a major character. I thought Jacob was gonna try and kill Bella cause he said he would rather see her dead then a vampire. But in the end it wasn't bad but it wasn't the masterpiece i was expecting.  

  9. i'm not too sure there wasn't enough jacob, cuz there was a whole book about him, but i kind of agree about not enough Edward. but i really liked the book. i think its my favorite. but i disagree that Renesmee ruined it. i really like her.

  10. agreed

    the book didnt have to be that thick just to please fans because when you actually read it alot of it was unnecessay

    Edward became like a shadow and i didnt really like the concept of a child.. who was so perfect i soon got sick of her

  11. i totally agree with u..

    i was expecting something different

    but i still liked it !!

    i love stephenie meyer!!

  12. *i agree

    *there was no climax in the whole story, no fight between edward and jacob, and no fight with the volturi, which they spent the last five chapters preparing for

    *there should have been more writing with edward as a father, i never really got the feeling he was really a dad:(

    *and i dont care what anybody says, vampires shouldnt be able to have children...they're dead. so i felt that whole story line with Nessie just wasnt believable

  13. i agree completely.

    it was dissapointing and confusing, but i didn't hate it.  

  14. I totally agree with you!

    Lord have mercy, Volturi wasn't necessary at the end of the book, seriously?

    And I agree, I didn't really like how th whole book revolved around Nessie....

  15. I feel EXACTLY the same way!!!

    It was too . . . egh!

    Bella grew up too fast, I mean, really! Why a child so fast???

    As I stated in another one of my questions, Renesmee wasn't such a creative name. Steph forgot that Edward is the father and there was more Jacob Nessie stuff than Edward Nessie. Too different. It is seperatefrom the others.

    Personally I hope they don't make this into a movie, and if they do . . . they choose different actors than the ones in Twilight! I don't know whether i would watch it or no, I would be more grown up by then but . . . Idk maybe not.

    I think that Steph could improve it. There was more she could have done with it.

    Again, as I recently said in another ? some people won't like it because the plot was dull and boring or because they think that what Steph thought of as the best plot, wasn't the best.

    I think that some people should have gotten hurt or should have died to keep the reader's attention. HELLO!!! It's the FINALE! SOMETHING should happen!

  16. I didn't hate it either, but I was quite disappointed. I was kinda weirded out by Jacob's imprinting and I thought it would've been more interesting if if didn't focus so much on 'Nessie'. (I mean, we all knew Bella was going to live, didn't we?) I would've had the fight between the Volturri in Europe, where the Volturri have the upper hand  and it would've been more exciting. I liked the book, but it wasn't my favorite. I found the other characters from the Amazon, Romania, Egypt, and others were very interesting and I wanted to learn more about them. I agree that Renesmee stole a large part of the book and made Ed & Jake minor characters. Personally, I liked Jacob's POV better.  

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