
Breaking Dawn Question for the Haters?

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I just finished Book 1 of 3 in Breaking Dawn and so far I like it.

Which of the 3 books in Breaking Dawn did you not like?

Or where in the book did you start to hate it?

Or did you not realize you hated it til you were finished reading it?

I'm not a big fan of Jacob ever since he became a I'm not sure I'm gonna like book 2 since it's written in his POV.




  1. I enjoyed the first part, I particulary liked the bit where Bella tried to bribe Edward to make love to her by promising to go to college, I thought that was really funny.  And the part about her pregnancy was quite exciting, I thought it was fun when Jacob and Edward formed a sort of bond.

    But after the baby was born I started to get less interested in the whole thing.  jacob imprinting on Nessie was frankly a bit weird i thought, and it also made the whole thing so easy, the whole Bellad/Edward/Jacob problem tidily disposed of with no suffering to anyone.

    And once Bella became a vampire, she was much less interesting.  The trouble with the vampires is, they are too perfect and flawless to be interesting, how can you feel real sympathy for a heroine who is never going to grow old or get sick, who is dazzlingly beautiful and super strong and fabulously wealthy and has no problems whatsoever of any kind and never will?

    In some vampire fiction, the vampires have weaknesses or vulnerabilities that give them more interest.  For instance, in stories where the vampires are unconscious during daylight hours, and can't go out in sunlight without being burnt up, this gives them problems to contend with, but how is it possible to feel interest in a fictional character who has no problems?

    And the ending of the book I thought was a terrible anticlimax, I really thought it was a big let-down, I was expecting something more dramtic and with a lot more blood, quite frankly.

  2. I started to dislike it at the end of book one, when Bella realized there was a "little nudger."

    I wasn't a big fan of book two, because I thought we needed to be in Bella's head at this time, and I felt book three was anti-climactic.  

    All in all, it's not a "bad" book, but I feel like it lost the charm that the first three had.

  3. I liked the whole thing.  I wasn't fond of Jacob's POV, but it is obviously useful for this part of the story.  Also, it was the one that I had a hard time getting use to being in someone else's head.

    I agree that Edward is not abusive when you take into account the circumstances.  If he were not a vampire with those kinds of abilities, etc. then yes he would be considered abusive.  

  4. I personally LOVED breaking dawn! i thought the jacob part was boring at first but i kinda got into it and it was interesting!

    and Edward Cullen is NOT abusive!! Soooooo nooottt! Bella is the one who wants him to take the risks, she begs him. Its not him! Jeez peoplee. Hes a vampire for petes sake! He does pretty good not killing humans! and all he cares about is Bellas safety. He is in no way abusive, manipulative, mean, selfish, or anything near the sort. He is an amazing guy who is in love with a girl. The whole vampire thing just makes him better. And i love that he is old fasioned :)

    Sorry about that ^^ but that person just made me mad saying he was abusive.

    But, it was overall a reallyyy good book:) Some things could have come out a tiny bit different but overall it was good:)

  5. I disliked them all. First, being inside Bella's head, and seeing her insane devotion to her abusive husband was bad enough. Next, being inside Jacob's head was interesting, but at the birthing and imprinting scene was a huge turn-off. Thirdly, Bella's next POV, book 3, was completely unrealistic and flat, dead, and boring with no logical sense at all.

    I realized I hated it since I read Twilight, but I realized I hated Breaking Dawn as soon as the marriage started.

    Not offense- my opinion. :D


    EDIT: Samantha Potter, if you're going to argue, at least use a good point. The fact that he has no self control when Bella begs him to have s*x with her really stands against the fact that he hasn't had s*x in more than 100 years. And "being a vampire, for pete's sake" doesn't absolve a person of all henious crimes, last I checked.

  6. Book 2 - aka Jake's POV - is where it all went downhill for me. It was interesting for a moment to see inside his head, but after awhile it just dragged on and on.

    But I suggest just reading it with no expectations. Form your own opinions. I know several people who loved the Jacob chapters.

    (Edit: Just to let you know, I am not a complete hater. Overall I liked the outcome of the book, but there were several issues I had with how the ending came about.)

  7. I can't even bring myself to read Eclipse!! Twilight was soo good, and then New Moon was so just blah to me that I was disappointed, and I just don't want these new books to ruin the first one

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