
Breaking Dawn: Vampire Gifts??

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I reading Breaking Dawn and im at the part where all the other vampire covens are helping Bella with her gift. My question is what is Zafrina talking about when she says "Raise your hand, when you get your sight back", I know her gift is to show people a picture and like ther in it, but what I dont get is that Bella's gift is to shield them. So I thought that the people she has a shield around they wouldnt go blind they would just see normal like they would just see whats surrounding them like the meadow there in, I didnt understand why they went blind and why she was like riase your hand when you get your sight back, I didnt think that Zafrina could make people go blind, if thats so then doesnt it mean Bellas gift isnt working on them???




  1. She means when the image goes away raise your hand. The image goes away when Bella's shield covers them.

  2. It means the image will come and then Bella will get rid of it and they raise theyre hands when they want the image to go. Hope that helps.

  3. okay, Zafrina is standing OUTSIDE the shield,

    she makes everyone see white, then bella tries to swallow them all up in her shield, so once they are inside Bellas shield, they get their sight back.

    Zafrina wants them to raise their hand when they get teir sight back, to let Zafrina know they are inside bellas sheild, so they can know how far the shield can stretch

    i hope that wasn't too confusing :)

  4. Zafrina is showing them an image and as soon as Bella's shield covers them the image disappears and they can see clearly again. That's what it means. They raise their hands when they can see their surroundings so they know Bella's shield has covered them.

    Hope this helped. :)

  5. Bella is working on seeing how far her shield can go and Zafrina is using her gift on those that Bella is trying to shield. She tells them to raise their hand when they get their sight back because Bella is pushing her shield outward and when they get their sight back (ability to see normally) it means that Bella's gift is working on them. It was their way of training Bella to use her gift effectively.

  6. shes trying to see how far Bella can extend her shield to others.  Everyone is blind until Bella's shield gets around them and then, once it is, they aren't effected by Zafrina's powers of blindness.  They could see because Bella is shielding them from the powers.  Once they can see, they have to raise their hand so that Zafrina will know how far the boundaries of the shield are.  

  7. I just finished that part and I was confused at first too.  But then Zafrina can make anyone see what she wants them to see.  So, she could make them see total darkness, therefore the vampires were blinded during Bella's training.  Bella had to use her shield on the blinded vampires (caused by Zafrina making them see darkness) and once Bella's shield shielded them from Zafrina they could see normal again.  This is because Zafrina had no effect on the blinded vampires anymore because of Bella's shield.  Do you understand now?

  8. Zafrina could make people see blackness too. Once Bella got her sheild around them, Zafrina's images would disappear and they could see clearly again.

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