
Breaking Dawn not as good as the rest of the saga?

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Was anybody else disappointed by Breaking Dawn? I feel like some things went wrong in this book.




  1. lol i have to disagree i LOVED IT!!! i am a sucker for happy endings i knew that bella had to be with edward cause if she had chosen jake i would screamed, but then i was so worried bout jake because i wanted him to be happy too, n then he fell for renesmee n i was perfect!!! n then bella saved the day n alice came back n it was happily ever after!! i thought it was so perfect im sorry you guys didnt like it :(

    n haha i have to say, in book two, the names of jacobs chapters kept me so entertained lol cause they were just so funny, "Why didnt i just walk away? oh right because im an idiot" haha they were so him n so different from the one word chapter names of bella's  

  2. Well I thought it was good and a nice way to end the series...

    although some bits were a bit

    but think about it, else could Stephenie have ended the series...?

    I liked it anyway...

  3. omggg. that book was soooo good. i love it. maybe you were just disappointed because jacob and bella werent together.

  4. Yeah, but it is what it is, and it's just a book...

  5. I was pretty happy with the book, actually. I don't think there needed to be any more action. I loved the ending, and I also enjoyed all the other vampires who came to the Cullens' aid. I thought they were all pretty interesting, especially Zafrina.

    My favorite part had to be the wedding. It was so sweet! It sounded beautiful and perfectly romantic.

    The thing that did annoy me, however, was that once Bella was pregnant, it was as though she really didn't care as much about Edward. I'm an Edward fan, and maybe I'm the only one who thinks that. It just seemed like Bella's love for Edward weaked a bit, while his love for her remained as strong as ever.

    I kind of feel like there wasn't as much magic between Bella & Edward as there was in Twilight and Eclipse. Obviously, I mean this for after the honeymoon. I'm currently rereading Twilight, and I found that they show their love for each other in ways other than kissing & s*x. They actually tell each other how much they love each other. My favorite line from Edward was from this book, "If I could dream at all, it would be about you. And I'm not ashamed of it." I just felt like there wasn't as much of that in Breaking Dawn. There just wasn't that same spark.

    Alright, I'm done rambling. Breaking Dawn was a great book overall, but it had its flaws. But hey, what book doesnt?

  6. Yeah i feel like everything crumbled down and sucked in Breaking Dawn.  I know a lot of other people agreed.  It was on entertainment weeklys top 20 disappointments of the summer.

  7. I think that Stephenie Meyer kind of killed it because of the pregnancy thing.  While I was reading it I couldn't help, but think that if Edward spent like five bucks on Trojans that the book wouldn't have sucked.  I thought I was reading fanfiction and it took me awhile to realize that this was Breaking Dawn and Stephenie Meyer wrote it.  The only good part was the third book.  Even then it was a little sketchy.

  8. No I was not disapointed and i feel sorry for anybody who didn't like it because they do not know how to fully appreciate great novels written by great authors.

  9. Me too. Cause the author wrote that book before all the others. I totally wasn't feeling the book I'm disappointed.

  10. Yep. You've got plenty of people that feel the way you do. I mean some parts were good, but while we hardly saw some characters the ones we did see seemed...out of character. It felt rushed and forced, as if Ms. Meyer just wanted to tie everything into one happy bow. The other books had emotion to them, and depth. One of the main themes is about sacrifice for love, but this book didn't have much of that. I tried to love this book, but in the end I think it was all right.  

  11. YES!!!

    YES!!! AND YESSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i posted a few questions like this, but i have a new complaint:

    everything was solved, no worries no sadness no remorse. even the renesme growing too fast problem was solved >:(

    i liked the first one because of the perfect balence, i liked the second one because of bella's hardships. i liked the last one because of the fight. breaking dawn decided to include neither.

  12. Not at all. I loved it. No one died, Edward and Bella got married, they had a kid,  Jacob finally got over bella, and the werewolves and vampires are no longer enemies. What else could you ask for?

  13. Even though I have to say I've never really found the other books in this saga 'good' Breaking Dawn took the freaking cake. So much was wrong in this book, and I mean that in the most disturbed way possible. Renesmee and Jaboc were the last straw.

  14. UG~

    i totally know, it was soooo retarted!

    it was off track from what i was expecting!!!!

    how stupid

    i am mad!!

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