
Breaking News! Urgent!

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What defines "Breaking News" on a news network? It seems that the term has been overused carelessly and repetively to the point where it might not even be taken seriously anymore when people see it.

For example, CNN has had "Breaking News" on the screen for the past six or so hours, yet they're talking about the -same thing- with no new developments. I always thought that Breaking News was used to define new events or developments in a certain situation, not a tactic used to grab attention when flipping through the channels.

FOX News is just as guilty. Except, they use the word "URGENT" and then talk about Britney Spears new baby, or other pointless things that shouldn't be (at least in my opinon) in capital letters and red.

So, what does "Breaking News" even mean anymore?




  1. It's a total drama queen statement & means , "Watch our channel, we need your cash."

    Nothing to do with real sensible news reporting. It's all about the biggest & the best news story.

  2. The news channels have made Breaking News into something common.  I remember when a Breaking News announcement would bring the whole family to the television to hear what had happened.  I remember the Breaking News the day Kennedy was killed (both of them) and Martin Luther King.

  3. It means, "Don't switch the remote." Understandable, considering the competitive nature of the business, but still silly.

    You are absolutely on target. And the worst offender is Nancy Grace of CNN, among her other sins. She claims to have breaking developments, even though the stuff happened quite a while ago and it's for a news story that few care about.  

  4. Anything that takes the focus off the real important news events that have to do with the majority of citizens and focusing in on events that have little relevance.  It's called dumbing down.the population.

  5. "Breaking News" now means the story that will get us the most viewers quickly.

    This really annoys me too. It's breaking news when a celeb does something stupid, but where is our breaking news for all of our fallen soldiers? Where is their breaking news story of their life and honor? Just another thing wrong with our country. Sad.
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