Wayne Odesnik “thrilled” to return to ATP Tour after ban
American tennis pro Wayne Odesnik is delighted to return to the ATP Tour. He has been banned from playing pro tennis since December, and his statement through his attorney declares,
“I am thrilled that I can return to the game and compete in the sport about which I am truly passionate. I have learned a lot during my time away from competitive tennis and I now have even a greater appreciation for what a privilege it is to be a professional
athlete. I want to take this opportunity to thank my family, true close friends and fans who have stood by me during this difficult time; I am deeply grateful and humbled by your support.”
In a surprising twist of rules this week, the International Tennis Federation took off the last twelve months of American tennis player Wayne Odesnik’s two year tennis ban, instated after the pro was caught trying to smuggle human growth hormone into Australia
earlier this year. He had been charged almost eight thousand US dollars for this offence, in addition to which the ITF banned him from all tournaments for two years.
However, although fans and critics are both taken aback by this sudden lifting of suspension, the ITF has made it clear that this action is in accordance with their new anti-doping program. This program states that any suspended or accused pro who contributes
to the eradication of drugs in a significant manner will be granted immunity for the latter half of his sentence.
While the ITF has been ambiguous about the nature of Odesnik’s assistance, the fact that he himself was not taking the substance, known as HRH, may have helped his case considerably. When accused, he denied injecting himself with it and has never tested
positive for any substance abuse.
Wayne Odesnik’s ban will be lifted on 29 December, 2010.