
Breaking News: case reignites autism-vaccine debate?

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Anti-vaccine groups are touting a sealed government decision to award money to a child with autism symptoms as an admission by the government that there is a relationship between vaccines and autism.

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  1. "This does not represent anything other than a very special situation," said Dr. Julie Gerberding, head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    Who do you believe the boss doing spin or the judge that slipped?...

    The case may not be a first, said Gary Golkiewicz, chief special master for the U.S. Court of Federal Claims. He oversees the special "vaccine court" which rules on requests for payments from the vaccine injury fund.

    "Years ago, actually, I had a case, before we understood or knew the implications of autism, that the vaccine injured the child's brain caused an encephalopathy," he said. And the symptoms that come with that "fall within the broad rubric of autism."

    And there are other somewhat similar cases, Golkiewicz says, that were decided before autism and its symptoms were more clearly defined

    All the hysterical parents are saying is Green our vaccines. Look at the facts:

    1983: Autism rate 1 in 10,000

    Vaccine schedule 10 shots

    2008: Autism rate in boys 1 in 70

    Vaccine schedule 36

    My sons last words:

    "My name is Tanner. My name is Tanner."

    The week of his shots for school...

    Show me any other campaign for disinformation as wound up as this one by the medical(vaccine maker) community. Remove the Mecury, Aluminum, formaldehyde, ether, antifreeze. Reevaluate the schedule. What was the death rate from these deadly diseases in 1983 that we had to add 26shots? If there are side effects to the vaccinations all we asking for is support for therapy, respite, and recovery.

  2. Actually, the case doesn't, except in the media.  If you've read the ruling the child in question had a mitochondrial defect.  The vaccine may or maynot have exacerbated the defect or it could have been a virus.  Her autistic-like behavior (note: she has not actually been diagnosed with autism) was caused by her defect not the vaccine.

    I would like to note that autistic children have been born for thousands of years, long before vaccinations have been around.

  3. Hi golden sindy,

    First, thanks for connecting with me.  It seems we have a lot in common.

    This debate keeps coming up again and again.  These anti-vaccine groups want to think that this case is proof that vaccines cause autism.  It is not.  The government said that in this instance the child's symptoms were aggravated by the vaccine, not caused by the vaccine.  The child'ls father is a neurologist, right.   You know what I am talking about.  He was not going to let go of this matter until he had resolution to fit his way of thinking - need I say more?  I believe the pediatricians who claim that court decisions do not dictate nor change the scientifc facts.  Vaccines save lives and do not cause autism.  So, what I think is that maybe more studies needed to be conducted to determine IF there is a link between pre-autistic symptoms and the development of autism.

    I'm curious to know what you think.

    Edit:  Hey, I appreciate your opinion.  It will be interesting to see how this all plays out..........

  4. The case actually indicates the government agreed that the child had a PRE-EXISTING condition that the vaccine EXACERBATED. This hardly reaches the level of "vindication" indicated in the first paragraph of the article. "The parents of a 9-year-old girl with autism said Thursday that their assertion that her illness was caused by childhood vaccines has been vindicated by the federal government's decision to compensate them."

    See also:

  5. Perhaps not the direct answer you want, but I cannot help feeling that these mega dose vacinnes are given way to young and have to have some effect on all children's nervous system sending them into overload.

    Also think that the powers that be really do know that!

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