
Breaking News on Obama? Is it True?

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We all know that Obama has no respect for the flag, the national anthem, etc....and that is bad his contempt goes deeper? He has no respect for the office of president either? He wants to change from "Hail to the Chief" at official functions to this? What is wrong with this man?




  1. no it's not

  2. I have read your writing and now I better understand why tigers eat their young.

  3. Sorry sir, but you are an idiot who can't seem to get Obama on his policies, so instead use trivial matters with no actual importance or truth.

  4. :)

  5. I'm so glad that we have an American candidate who stands up for family values, education, and the welfare of all of us and our children.  His name is Barack Obama.  He and his family are setting the right example and tone for this election.  It's certainly not the other candidate who have been married and remarried and the vp candidate has not been able to raise her child correctly.  I certainly would not want my kids to play with their kids.

  6. Get a life.

  7. This is so old ...just a rumor.  

  8. Funny. I always loved sanford and son. Great show. Great joke. Listen to the libs- they can't take a joke. Noone should take this seriously. I'm sure Obama wouldn't. Grow up libs. If all you were saying about McCain or Palin were a lighthearted joke (and no, it's not racist), we wouldn't have the hate going on.

  9. Yes, that's the breaking news on McCain and Palin

  10. So? Tradition is not a valid substantive issue. If there is no law (like there is with proper flag display) then he should change it if he wishes.

  11. cute and very juvenile.

  12. I guess that's what he meant by change?

  13. First of all: He does have respect for the flag, national anthem, etc.. because if he didn't he wouldn't want to be president.

    Second of all: That is untrue. He doesn't want to change anything like that.

    Third of all: whats with the video?

  14. When did he say he wanted to change Hail to the Chief? Please cite something.

  15. LOL! To all the people who believe this..... hi, hater!

    Obama '08

  16. Both laughter and pity works in this situation.

  17. too funny.. "breaking news on Obama" hahaaaahah, go to bed

  18. Totally stupid question.

  19. OMG...I think this is the wittiest post I have ever seen in all my life!

    You are just way too much...the racism is just ooozing out from your fricking rock!

  20. Is this your comeback for Palin's scandal? lol Not working.

  21. I think that would be really funny.  I'm sure the liberals will be here shortly calling you all kinds of names.

  22. **** yeah, Sanford and Son.

  23. He still suffers from his mother breaking water prematurely.

  24. Wow, hi racist.  I think your white sheet is fitting a little too tight and cutting off the circulation to your brain.

    And, btw, I am a stanch supporter of McCain/Palin.

  25. saying "we all know obama has no respect for the flag, national anthem, etc" is wrong and you know it. This kind of smearing is what the right is good at, but in running the country, they are like a vacuum cleaner--they suck. History, not smear, will be the ultimate judge.

  26. hahaha...are you serious? that sounds like someone's making that story

    but if this is truth. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?

    I doubt he wins the election. all he ever talks about is change. funny how he never talks about how he's gonna bring about this change.  

  27. all i can tell you is this discribes osama obama

  28. I think everyone should just lighten up a little on this one. Can't you see ED Ski is just having some fun?

  29. Why are you such a liar? Are you so embarrassed by your own party that all you can do is lie about the other candidate?

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