
Breaking a horse?? help??

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i just got a standard bred gelding the other day and he is unbroken but he is real quiet so yesterday i put a saddle and bridle on him he did really well so i jumped on him he was really well behaved i got on him again today and he was walking for me perfect. i was wondering if i am moving to quickly ???




  1. i had got a new horse not too long ago and the first day i brought him home i put him in the round pen and worked him put a saddle on him and he done fine for a couple months then started showing his butt the vet said he was finally starting to feel better and his true colors were coming out after we got him on a good diet and good feed. you probally just got you a good horse. i hope everything works out for you and your new friend!! Happy Trails.....

  2. It really depends on the horse.  How old is the horse?  If he's 10 or older, chances are he will be more calm and willing than a younger horse because we will have become used to humans, even if he isn't "broke" yet. But there are some older horses who have been mistreated or not around humans and will be very hard to break.  With your horse, I would assume that he has been around people and tack before, even though he may never have been ridden before.  As long as the horse seems happy and willing to work, you aren't going to fast.

    However, I would be careful because I know some horses will be great for a while and seem amazing, but suddenly start acting up and getting a bad attitude.  Make sure that your horse is ENJOYING being ridden.  Take him on trails and mix up your work.  Don't always ride in the same place and make your horse bored.  Also make sure that he is comfortable and not being worked too hard.  You definitely don't want to teach a horse that being ridden and a bad thing, because that could ruin him and you might have to start over and move even slower than before to re-teach him everything in a more "positive" way.  

    Think about it like this:  When you go to school, the first few days aren't so bad and you kind of enjoy it.  But once you start having tests and homework and being worked hard, you can get unhappy and start to loathe school.  But if your teachers made school fun by bringing in candy or mixing up the way you learn, you will be more willing to focus and learn when it comes time to.  Breaking a horse is like taking him to school.  If it is fun, he will be more willing to work hard.  If he hates it, he will never try and may start to resist you until the problem gets out of hand.  Just think:  If you had been taking tests every day in school, how would you feel?  If your horse has been working hard in the ring every day, he would feel the same.  After all of those tests, you would want to have a party and take a day off of work!  Give your a horse a fun day, go on a trail ride or don't ride at all, just give your horse a bath and some treats to make him happy again.

    Good luck!  I hope this helped!

  3. If he is doing alright--then you are doing fine. Just be sure if he starts to get ancy or misbehaving--just slow down...but definatly dont move backwards!

    just sounds like a good horse!!!

    I had a 3 year old- never rode before----3 days after starting to break her, we were on the trail!!

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