
Breaking dawn- does anyone else think jacob and nessie is gross and practically incest?

by Guest59369  |  earlier

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it's gross, he acts like her brother/dad or whatever, but then when shes 18 or whatever, he'll start to have sexual feelings for her?! sorry, but that is practically incest. Could you imagine being in a relationship with your parents friend whos known you since birth? or with a godfather or something like that? its gross!!!

and the age thing, that she'll be 7 when she matures makes it pedophillia.

Its disgusting!!!!




  1. I agree with you!

    To be honest , i think that imprinting is a selfish , unnatural and disturbing thing ,  it's not love , it's just lust and obsession for someone else!

    Jacob didn't have a choice , but in the end he could have imprinted on someone else . For example of Leah , or somebody , who's not Nessie  , someone who's on his age!

    the author have used this pedo thing in eclipse , and i didn't think that she would use it again , this time as you know in BD!

    This is telling us , how sick and perverted SM can be!

    that's my opinion on this!

    xx Greetings ;]

  2. ok imprinting is not like that. When the inprintee is younger they inprintor only wants them to be happy. Actually that's all the imprentor wants. The imprintee decides what happens between them. ANd how is Jacob Nessie dad/brother. Her mother is Bella and her father is Edward!!! And yes for awhile Bella thought as Jacob as a brother but don't you have crushes on your older sisters guy friends that she thinks of as brothers. (If you do have an older sister, but most of those situations work that way? And yes she will be 7 but when she develops those kind of feelings for Jake and she no longer sees him as a playmate she will be alive for 18ish years!!

    And the whole situation is almost actually like the Quil and Clair situation. And "SM is mormon so maybe it's a mormon thing or one of her 'fantasies'." Just b/c your Mormon doesn't mean you believe older guys and younger girls should marry. One of her fantasies? are you serious? I mean she has kids! And seriously shes just showing how imprinting works and how it can overcome anything (i.e. the vampire/werewolf fight) and it gave Jacob a happy ending so just get over it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. well no.,

    nessie does have a choice

    and besides to u remember what edward said

    he'll have some competition

    nessie doesnt have to love him in a sexual way.

  4. Yes, it is. Same with Quil. SM is mormon so maybe it's a mormon thing or one of her 'fantasies'. Who knows?

    EDIT- Music frees the soul does have a good opinion. I kind of figured Jacob was going to imprint but I thought it would be with Leah and not Renesmee. I do understand how SM tried NOT to make it seem perverted by saying that Jacob will be what ever Renesmee needs, such as a big brother, then friend, then lover, but it just turns out wrong.

  5. for me, it's a bit disturbing..

    maybe Stephenie Meyer just want to make Jacob end happily with someone.

    Stephenie just want everyone to have happy ever after.

    I hope that her plan of writing something out of Nessie's PoV (point of view) would be carried out. =D

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