
Breaking dawn spoilers

by  |  earlier

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can somebody sum up the story (someone who has read it)

and what happens please

do they get married

do they finally do it?

does she turn into a vampire




  1. um, why? it's more fun to read it for yourself. :]

    and i'm only on page 250, sorry. i started it today. :D

  2. yes they get married and he turns her into a vampire, and she has a kid and her name is Renesme

  3. it was really bad but the series gradually went down the toilet

    first they get married

    have s*x

    bella gets knocked up

    baby keeps eating the food she eats

    baby is born she is half vampire

    bella becomes vampire

    voltouri attcak

    she forgets everything about humanhood and falls out of love with edward

    edward transports human memories to her and make out and the end
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