
Breaking leases?

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My bestfriend has had 3 apartments in the past 2 years. She's broken 2 of the 3's leases. One was for security reasons [her boyfriend was attacked] & the one she's at now, she plans on breaking the lease bc of maintenance/bugs.

Now from my understanding, her apartment credibility is shot to h--l bc she has a history of breaking leases.

What are her chances of getting other apartments?





  1. If she is paying the fees for breaking the lease, then she should have no problems at all and her credit is not affected.  However, if she has not been paying the fees for breaking the leases, her credit can be affected and also affect the decision of an apartment to lease to her.  However, I have learned a secret that can get her out of her third lease without paying a fee and without it affecting her credit if she hasn't broken it yet.  If she simply tells the management that she is no longer able to afford the apartment, they have to let her out of the lease with no further questions asked and without charging her any fees.  I hope this helps!

  2. If they check her references from her previous landlords, she's screwed.

    To the person who said that landlords can't charge the fees if you tell them you're breaking the lease because you can't afford it...what country do you live in?  Here in the U.S., landlords don't care why you are breaking the lease and they can and will get you to pay the fees by taking you to court.  If they take a tenant to court and the tenant is ordered by the judge to pay and they don't, their credit will be shot to h*ll.

  3. Very poor, if the new management checks her records from her previous rentals.  They're not going to want a tenant prone to lease breaking.
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