
Breaking news (cnn)?

by Guest60035  |  earlier

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take a butchers at this

flying saucer lands on wimbledon common

parliment holds an emergency meeting

u.s millitiary useless against there ray guns

wtf's happening? can this be real?




  1. did you see the house in the news that looks like a ufo

  2. i didn't get this what your saying srry..

  3. I don't know.  Might make for an interesting night though.

  4. what a troll of a question

  5. YOU saw this on cnn? HIghly unlikley, not that i dont believe in "aliens" but i doubt the government would let it go public and if it did i would have known about it by now and it would have been on every news channel for days all over the world. Think about it.

  6. u really think this is true? come on dude its some b.s

  7. dude you made me put on

  8. i think you p***s is on you head and you are itching it.

    Try a sum for me, whats 1-1?

    Is your head hurting again little boy?
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