
Breaking up couples?

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Moral and ethical question:

Some people have the ability to break couples up from time to time. One such person who can do this is me. I am single. My question is: is it right or wrong or neither to break up a couple just because the girl who likes me, and I like her too. She might find she'd rather be with me.

So, I'm subject to temptation every time I see a girl I'd really be seriously interested in. But, course she more often than not is taken, has a bf.

Is it worth, to me to do this. Raise h**l. And suffer the consequences of the laws of karma. I always thought what goes around comes around. Help with this?




  1. The answer will become more clear to you as you mature.

  2. A woman has a mind and will of her own. If her situation is good, so good that it could not be better, she would not leave her bf for anything or anyone. If she decides that you would be a better choice for her than her current bf, she would break up with him.

    I would try to stay uninvolved in my friend's romances. Unless you are a womanizer, why would you choose to "steal" a friends Gf, only to dump her when the next one comes along?And are you sure you want a gf who will leave you for the next guy who comes her way, like she did to your friend?

  3. Your habit is no different from a habitual smoker. Or a habitual drinker  or a womaniser.  You cannot kick  the habit and you get a kick out of this encounters   and sadism. No one else can stop this unless you want to stop yourself.

    In the case of smoking or drinking  etc. it is you and your body. No outsider is involved in it.  But this your act of breaking up couples ..... involves not just you but two other people. So, deeply analysing this I would think that hurting others is more important to you  than hurting yourself.  The difference between suicide and murder.

    Forget about karma and things like that. One does not know in what form karma will affect you ( or me). The nearest that I can think of , for you is that in your next birth you will be so  thirsty   and some will help you with a glass of water but some other will snatch it from your hand!  Sounds rather inhuman, is it not?

  4. If you have a girl. Is the feeling would be mutual if someone really hook her. And she will be hooked and leave you. If she is worth the taking, try to hook her. It is her decision wether to leave her bf or not. Cause if the girl really love her bf why will she choose you instead of remaining with her bf. See, if the couples really love each other you can't break them apart but you will be fortunate if the couple is in the rip apart situation.  

  5. That's tough.  I've always felt proud of my not being a homewrecker, although, there was one time that I later found out that I should have expressed myself because she was actually interested in me and ended up leaving him, my best friend, anyway.  I'm still glad that I didn't break them up, but I sure wonder where she's at now.  

    Anyhow, you really want a girl who so easily falls out of love with whomever she's with?

    Then, there was another time that I was involved with someone, yet me and another girl who knew we were into eachother found ourselves at the same gathering, but still didn't do anything, even after the girl I was involved with left because she could sense it.  Oh man, I probably should've that time.  This one girl I'm involved with is turning out to be such a flake, a user, yet I still pursue her.  I'm just not as easily manipulated after 5 years of being with her.

  6. The constant need and desire for you to prove your prowess in seduction stems from insecurity. Insecure persons suffer from this problem. Women who revel in pursuing or luring men are either unabashedly shameless, have been loved by a sad little wench craver and have an inflated view of their own attraction or are insecure and feel inflicting pain by flirting with another woman’s partner makes them feel powerful and desirable.

    One wiser than I said ‘we men will run with a dog if it showed interest in us, don’t take men seriously‘’ I researched and found it to be true. He also said women are whores, who will for a reasonably attractive, popular or wealthy man show no decency or dignity in pursuing such a one.

    With empirical experience I found this to be entirely true. Once you mature a little and become worldly and are able to observe the world anthropologically with a detached air, you will know the folly of your ways.

    Some openly boast of their ability to seduce anything further augments the point of the wise one. One day you will gain in self esteem and self love and will be loathe to squander your love to any but the noblest whom you find worthy of it.
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