
Breakouts ; need to be cured in 10days! [10pts]?

by Guest33784  |  earlier

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I have abit of t-zone.

blackheads on my nose, afew white heads on my chin, and afew other pimples on each side of my nose, chin and like 1 on my forehead. My skin has been getting worst during the summer , because in the winter it is severly dry and i have to use medication for it. I have combination skin. some dry spots, some oily spots...

i need this to be cured for the first day of school! thats in 10 days!!

pleease help me.!

[i've been using garnier purifing cleanser, biore cleansing pore strips, clean and clear black head clearing astrigent.

what should i use to cure this?:)





  1. Well, black heads and such just need to be squeezed out. The normal pimples are full of puss. When the puss dries out, then the pimple shrinks and goes away. Try spending time in the sun to dry them out, and I also heard that dabbing rubbing alcohol with a Q-Tip on them helps. In future, try exfoliating your skin to avoid huge breakouts and using blotters to wipe away the oil on your face.

  2. It's really hard to suggest some things as every face is different.

    Look in to Skin ID it's custom for your acne - and face type.

    As far as black heads - take a clean, wet, hot compress to your face. (Heat it in the micro to get it really warm).

    Apply, repeat. Gently push your nose upwards.

    When you wash - pat dry and apply a toner - this helps your pores and future black heads.

    You need to fight acne with a three step system.

    Wash, toner and spot treating cream.

    Twice a day without fail. AM/PM

  3. you could try the mario badescu line - especially the drying lotion, just put a dab on it on the big pimples it will easily dry that spot. goodluck :)

  4. Neutragena Soap Bar- It is a bar of soap which gets rid of all the oils on your face and dries up all the pimples

    Then use some type of moisturizer on your face.

    Then on any pimple put Clean and Clear Acne Spot Control

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