Hello all!
I have a 5 week old daughter. Right now she exclusively breastfeeds and I have no problem with that. I intend to keep breastfeeding as long as possible, however there is a little glitch. As of Sept. 2nd. I go back to work and she goes to daycare. Problem is, even though I've tried introducing a bottle with expressed milk, she REFUSES to take it. I work at the daycare she will be attending and my boss has said she will let me nurse if need be, but I know that it will be difficult and I know I won't be able to do it EVERY feeding. How can I get her to drink out of a bottle and how many ounces of expressed breast milk should I give her so I am not wasting extra?
I've tried 3 different bottle brands. Avent, Sassy MaM bottles and The First Years Breastflow. She will take some from the Breastflow bottles but really not much. She pretty much refuses all 3 and I know she is hungry when I offer them because she refuses them and then will go right to the breast for a while.
I really could use some advice because I know it's going to be difficult when I return to work to leave my classroom and feed her. I know I won't be able to for every feeding so I need her to take a bottle. Please help! Thanks!
This is my second child and let's just say it's really true when they say not to compare your children because at this point my son was taking a bottle wonderfully and had put himself on a schedule. With her, she is still on demand for everything. LOL!
Thanks all!