
Breast cancer in a male?

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im 14 yrs old male and just recently i have found the lump in/to the side of my left nipple.....can it be breast cancer? it has seemed to be getting a little larger and its kinda scareing me...plz help.




  1. It could be a cyst or fibroid  both being benign (not cancer), however it is possible for men to develop breast cancer. Please see your doctor.

  2. The chances of a 14 year old male getting breast cancer are as close to zero as makes no difference.

    Men do get breast cancer, but fewer than 1% of those diagnosed with breast cancer are male.

    And 80% of all people diagnosed with cancer are over 50; most men diagnosed with it are over 60.

    It's rare in women under 40, and almost unheard of in under 20s.

    So you can see how huge the odds against a 14 year old male getting breast cancer are.

    Most breast lumps in males are actually a condition called gynaecomastia, a button-like growth under the nipple and areola area that can be felt and is sometimes visible to the naked eye. Occasionally it can be quite tender.

    This increase in the amount of breast tissue is not a tumour and occurs due to changes in hormone balances at times like adolescence - that is, at your age.

    You  should see your doctor for reassurance, but try not to worry about breast cancer

  3. Yes its possible   I read that breast cancer it 97% female 3% male, but the incidence in males had increased by 10%. It could be any number of things that only your Dr.can sort out.  Good Luck,I  hope everything is OK

  4. It is possible for men to have breast cancer.  However, it can be many other things (swollen limfnode, tumor...). I think that you should tell your parents and go to the doctor ASAP.  I hope it's nothing, Good luck.

  5. The best thing to do now is to quickly go see a doctor. Males do get breast cancer although it is very rare...

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