
Breast enhancement and homeopathy?

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I am 24 f, and have v small breast. I took Sabal Ser Q and Damania for a while, and I great good result. However I wanted to continue the medication but the Homeopathic doctor told me not to take the medication continually. So I stopped taking the medication. After 3 months of gap now,I am wondering if I can take the medication again for a little while. I cannot contact the same Homeopathic doctor as i am now in another country. Please advice if someone knows the ans.




  1. What about trying the Herbal breast enhancement pills? I dont know how well they work, but could be worth a go. Does anyone else here know about it?

  2. dear frien

    as i know more about ayurbed,there is nothing impossible,the main thing is patience.homeopathic mediciens will show its reasult slowly.massage ur breast in circular clockwise motion twice a day with aswagandha oil,about 2 months regularly,u will find ur b*****s more harder and larger.i think larger breats are not perfect,men want harder ones....hugs..

  3. no because if its taken to much you can do a "proving" on yourself, and you will get the opposite effects. but go see another homeopath for the best advice, and homeopathy is all about individualization.

  4. A 3 months gap every little while should be more than enough.

    Saw Palmetto is supposed to help.

  5. homoeopathic medicines should normally have gaps in time. u cannot take the same remedy continuosly for long colud take it again now but have it once a day then alternate days and so on increasing the gap. in homoeopathy it is said that a medicine proves itself when u take it  for too long. meaning u will get opposite result.the medicines r long acting.

  6. As wil any medicine or therapy if you use it continually your body will build up a resistance to it. Normally it is recommended that you take a break in between doses and then go back to it. Only you can determine if it is working as effectively. Since you have taken a 3 month break you should have no problem re-starting the remedy, the best way to figure your results is to keep a journal on your progress and changes ( even when giving your body a break) Most homeopathic doctors will switch up medications or have you stop for a period of time (gap) in order to maintain optimal results. Hope this helps

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