
Breast feeders? how long does it take to latch baby to your breast?

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no mixing or bottle washing or switching formulas? seems easier?;_ylt=Ao4hMzOJbKqjMd2Z6rN92q3sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080818122226AA3heIl&show=7#profile-info-dp7VR8BJaa

BTW I am not knocking formula feeding mommies




  1. It takes a few tries before baby will actually latch on and feed from you. Make sure her mouth is open, ( you can get it open by stroking her cheek) and raise her to your breast. Make sure your whole nipple is in her mouth and she should start feeding.

    I actually switched to formula and bottles a few weeks after my daughter was born. Breastfeeding wasn't for me. You can do both, but you have to wait a month before introducing a bottle or she won't take back to your breast. Hope this helps!

  2. some babies latch right away (my 3rd did). some babies take time (my first took 2 weeks to properly latch).  My second never really got the latch nd at 6 months I switched to formula.

    Also, I wanted to let you know even though you may think its easier, There may be times you have to suppliment, or pump and store so you will need to have a few bottles just incase.

    but on the whole ALOT easier

  3. 10 sec. :-)

    With a newborn it is more difficult to breastfeed, because baby has to learn how to eat and each meal takes forever. But once baby knows how to do it, it takes about 10 minutes each side and is super convenient.

  4. It takes me approximately 2 seconds to latch on. He is so fast that I don't have time to pull out my breast, he latches on to my shirt and starts sucking nothing, lol.  I should mention that my son is 8 months old

  5. Err 2.5 seconds?

    Seriously I pick up baby place in a nursing position, and if you don't breastfeed you will think this is nuts: stick the nipple in their eye.  That makes them flex bring their head up so its not tucked in chin in/near chest and they latch themselves on.  My nursing toddler will lift my shirt and pull down my bra if I let him, which I generally do not.

    My second hasn't had any difficulty breastfeeding at all, ever.  From birth I let him self-latch.  All I have to do is get my clothes out of the way.

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