
Breast feeding help...?

by  |  earlier

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My baby is 2 weeks old and we need a little advice. At the hospital a nurse gave me a nipple shield and said 'use this'... well we have ever since.

I want to get her off the nipple shield and on to the breast. But now she is so used to the shield, she wont latch on to the breast.

What do I do?




  1. I've had no experience of a nipple shield but if your baby hungry she will suckle, leave her a couple of hours, before she gets overwrought and hopefully that should do the trick.  

    I would think at 2 weeks you will still be having input from your midwife/health visitor so please ask them advice. You are doing a fabulous job breastfeeding your baby and protecting her against illness and infection.

    I breastfed for 3 months exclusively with both my kids then combined with formula when I went back to work.

  2. OMG. I used the nipple shield for a month...and it made it harder for her to get use to my b*****s. It also was very painful for me...but it didn't stop me from breastfeeding.  My nurse actually advised me not to use the nipple shield and to let her get use to my nipples. So I did that. No matter how hard it got. So, I know how you feel. Just quit the nipple shield cold turkey...and try feeding her from your b*****s. It should come natural!

    Good Luck!!

  3. I breast fed both of my kids for 6 months and hope i can help.

    I never used a nipple shield, but if i was you,

    I would start nursing with it on and then perhaps after your milk starts flowing, I would break the suction and try to quickly slip it off.  Your baby should feel and taste the milk and forget about fighting about  NOT having the shield in place.

    good luck ! stick with it, it is so good for the baby :)

  4. nipple shields are great to get you started on the breast - they prevent cracking and bleeding nipples.  but once you're on a roll, you should toos them.

    persevere, don't give up.  try getting her to open up really wide, so she gets a lot of the nipple in her mouth before she starts trying to suck.  babies are clever - when she's hungry enough, she'll figure out how to latch on!  ;)

    good luck!

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