
Breast feeding husband?

by Guest33705  |  earlier

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So I have 4 kids. and I'm preganet again! My husband wants me to breast feed him and not the baby. Is this werid to breast feed your 27 year-old husband. I'm almost 21. I've alrady started to fill up again he wants me to nurse him tonight after the kids are asleep while we watch tv. Does anyone else breast feed their husband?




  1. It's pretty weird, I've never heard of anyone breastfeeding their husband

  2. You should keep it for your baby.

  3. sounds like fun........lucky

  4. If he's serious, he should probably see a therapist.

  5. LOL!

  6. he just wants to suck your b***s! after that i will take some to! lol.

  7. That grosses me out.  You are pregnant with your fifth kid at 20? Hola.

  8. No. I've had 4 kids, and my husband has never asked me to do that, nor do I want to! If he wants to try some milk, then fine, but just put a little in a cup.

    But hey- I guess if you want to, then do it, but that's just really..... um.... interesting, to say the least.

  9. I honestly don't even have a comment for this except to say..WEIRD

  10. no comment

    reading that

    was weird

    enough 4


  11. I would slap the h**l out of my husband and go buy him a cow.  It's better for the baby, tell hubby not to be selfish.

    By the way nipple stimulation starts labor- better not do it.

  12. Yeah that's pretty weird. You must have nice b***s.

  13. Wow...your hubby must have some freaky fetishes!  But honestly, that is between the 2 of you...if you feel comfortable doing it and if he does not drink you dry I guess have fun with it!  LOL.  But on the other hand, if you feel weird about it...just say so, he should respect your decisions.

  14. no one else breastfeeds their husband ! that should tell you something..................

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