
Breast feeding in public what are your opinions?

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I no this is going to casue I lot of people to get angry and yell at me but that's ok I want opinions here I want to no how diffrent people feel about this.

Today I was waiting to go to an apointment and a lady and her husband had a baby.the lady went to breast feed her baby and yes I guess it's something you just have to do.But there were many more private places in the building she could have chosen to go to but she didn't she just poped her breast right out for the baby.She was very non descret to after the baby was done drinking she was just sitting there with her boob hanging out incase it wanted another drink or something. I felt very uncomftable and really did not belive in my personal opinion that it is an ok thing to do.Sure babys need to drink but I think it should be made to be done in public.Legally I do not find it ok for some one to just sit there with there breast out I found it a bit offensive. alot of people will disagree and yeah I understand but what do you think whats your opinion




  1. I breastfed my son for 11 months, and although I tried to cover it in public, it wasn't always an option. However I never had my b*****s hanging out for the world to see them either. I personally feel that when I am breastfeeding, my child is eating. And everyone else eats in public, why should my child be expected to eat in a bathroom, or a waiting area, it's ridiculous. In this day and age it's legal for women to go topless in some places, and yet people still find it gross that other women feed their children in public. Anywhere you would feed a child a bottle, I breastfed mine.  


    im a BF mum at 19 and im from a small country and evryone seems to know evrynone else so i tend to b shy n not BF in public. i BF in my mums car before n after i go round the shops (for example).

    my son is 9 weeks and if he cries for a feed n there is rly nower i can go then i'd prob just feed him.

    its ok to feel uncomfortable but no1 forced u to look. i wish i had her courage  though im gettin there cos i started feeding him infront of our house maid n my bros gf (wer b4 i wouldnt dare!) i hope i can start doin it evrywer!

    as i mentioned b4, since im from a small country, mums resort to bottle feeding cos they feel shy cos of nasty comments that ppl pass!

  3. I'm not sure about the whole just letting her breast hang out thing. I've never seen anyone do that! Even in private homes!

    1. If my baby needs to eat, I'm going to feed him. It doesn't matter where I am.

    2. If the breastfeeding mother isn't uncomfortable why should anyone else be?

    3. I don't enjoy eating with a blanket over my head and I'm sure my son wouldn't either.

    4. LEGALLY, in many states, exposed breast because of breastfeeding is NOT considered indecent and the mother cannot be arrested or fined for it.

    5. You don't think breastfeeding should be done in public, so, breastfeeding mothers should never leave the house? That's not very realistic.

    6. Feeding babies is what b*****s are for. If someone can't separate a nurturing act from a sexual act I think there may be some other problems going on.  

  4. I breastfeed 'in public' just about every day; I have a 6 week old who likes to feed about every 40 minutes through much of the day, so I have no choice.

    He is my fourth in ten years, I have been nursing a baby around half of that time, maybe a bit more,  so obviously I have, in the last decade, BFed in pubic more days than not. And I will tell you, nobody has *ever* seen anything, I have never been indiscreet. My modesty is out of respect for society, my husband, my children and mostly my self- my body doesn't belong to any passerby who happens to look my way, I am better than that.

    Had I been in your situation, I probably would have been sitting there feeding my own while waiting for the appointment, and *I* would have been offended, or rather I would have been embarrassed for that child who 's mother has no sense of modesty and self-respect.

    I think women who feel the need to expose everything often hope for confrontation- they have something missing in their lives and try to fill it this way. They also seem to have previous body issues and personality quirks (see 'borderline personaliy') which cause them to desire attention through disturbance. bfing is legal as it should be. As such any issue can be handled properly and effectively without a 'nurse in'.  There are wars, children dying, starvation...I choose to try to change what is still wrong in the world.

    Ten years ago, there really *was* a 'lack of education' regarding BFing.

    I really DID get many shocked looks. I did it alone, I was living in the US and knew not a single other American mother who BFed in the University town where I was living(I had one friend from out of the states who did- that's it) and people thought it odd and old fashioned. Frankly, that doesn't happen anymore. The problem is pretty much solved. Let's use common sense and respect for all people, and move on.

  5. My opinion is that if they have the guts to do it then I don't care, I mean yes it would make me feel uncomfortable if she had left her boob hanging out like that. I am all for breastfeeding in public which is funny because I actually get an uncomfortable feeling when talking to a breastfeeding woman because I am trying so hard not to look at the baby incase she thinks I am looking at her chest lol. I wish I could be a public breastfeeder but I freak out that someone might see my nipples. I am going to get one of those slings for this pregnancy and hopefully that will give me the privacy that I want for when there are other people around. Basically I don't think it is right to expect a woman to spend hours sitting in a 'parents room' when she could be enjoying herself getting a latte with a friend in a coffee shop. The first time I took my newborn daughter to the shopping centre I spent the first hour in the parents room feeding her and then only had 10 minutes of leisure time.

  6. We need to call the "boob" police in a situation like that, but they would probably stop and "gulk" and then tend to business. This portion of the human anatomy is a private area and should be covered in public. Undoubtedly this lady hasn't been taught the basics of self-respect. my daughter breast-fed her last baby and she was very much private with her feedings.  

  7. A lot of people are talking about covering up yourself and the baby but that isn't always an option. I know if I cover my son up her makes a huge fit and it becomes a huge scene and people look and see my breast hanging out. It isn't intentional, it is being he is throwing himself around and I don't want to drop him so putting my breast away is the last thing on my mind. I usually wear a tank top under my shirts when we go in public so I can just lift my shirt and still be covered. Nobody can see anything unless they decide to pass right past me or sit next to me. It is obvious I am feeding him though because my top shirt is hiked up. I think women should be discrete and respect other people and what might make them uncomfortable but I do not think they should have to go to an empty area or another room.  

  8. My daughter is almost 1 and she is very nosey when she is breastfeeding. It can be very frustrating. Because of this I usually look for a more private place. More for her needs than others. I have no problem feeding in public but try hard to be discreet. It is difficult when she is pulling the blanket down to play peek-a-boo, but she has to eat. I feel that if the mother doesn't have a problem with it, others shouldn't but she should try to be discreet and not force her opinion on others. I feel that applies to many aspects of life.  

  9. first of all, wow! i think you're brave for wanting peoples opinion on this. i would never have dared. i'm a chicken lol.

    i am breastfeeding my 14 month old son. i used to breastfeed in public but discreetly. it is my opinion that a womans b*****s aren't just sexual objects. we have them to feed our infants. in todays society, however, they have become more sexual objects rather than part of natural feeding. so if a woman doesn't care if someone sees her **** while breastfeeding, then that fine. if the onlooker cares well then why can't that person just look away? i also think it will become easier as you see more breastfeeding in public. i think it will become a natural thing you see quite often and it won't make people uncomfortable.

    where i'm from everyone breastfeeds (scandinavia) and it's not a big deal and to me, that's the norm and hence why i was comfortable breastfeeding in public despite being in the uk (where it isn't as common).  

  10. I agree with you. I'm all for breastfeeding and plan on doing it myself when my son is born, but its not an excuse for indecent exposure! I think women should use a baby blanket to cover up while they are feeding in public. We all know what they are doing, we don't need to see their breast to be convinced that they are being a good mom and breastfeeding. Ladies, please cover up, I agree! I don't think you need to run off and hide in the corner, but don't subject us to having to see you naked!

  11. There was an incident that occurred the other day but wasn't sure what was going on. I was at Disneyland, I was relaxing on the bench cooling down since it was so hot and I was tired of all the walking. When my Husband came back we were set to leave and I turned to my back and I noticed a woman who was clearly ready to breastfeed her child. Her top area was covered and her child was probably feeding. What got me to noticed was the park employees in orange shirts standing around her. It seemed like a few people were angry at what she was doing, probably because they felt uncomfortable with it. Upon seeing what she was doing, it didn't bother me one bit since she wasn't showing her b*****s for the world to see. It appears that she needed to feed her child and she had to do it where it was most comfortable for her and her baby. When you are out in public especially at a big Theme park there isn't many areas that you can go off and do these private things. The best you can do is be discreet and she did her best at it. She looked to be apologetic but very concerned as well, especially when all she wanted to do was feed her child but others are making it hard for her to do and it's not like she can just get up and leave and stop feeding her child. Some people just need to chill. If nothing is showing, move on your merry way. If you see it and feel uncomfortable tell them politely to be more discreet. I'm sure they would obliged and probably be a bit embarrassed... I'm just saying, I wouldn't know how a breastfeed mother would feel having to do so out in public.

  12. "incase IT wanted another drink".... that's so lovely you referring to her beautiful child as an IT

    I have never had an issue feeding my daughter in public... if she is hungry she gets fed and if people don't like it then that is their issue. Of course I try and be discreet but I will not go out of my way to avoid feeding in a public place. I could not care less what other people think of that and will feed in a crowded restaraunt, on a bus ANYWHERE.

    If it makes someone uncomfortable then they can move... I'm not uncomfortable with it and so why I should I move. It's not like I am making them look at my b*****s.

  13. Just saying : ewww!

    I have nothing against moms who breastfeed in public but please, please, keep it discrete I do not want to see your breast hanging out! There are little blankets to hide your boob or even capes made for it. Plus, many public places do have a breastfeeding room, with sofas and all...

    I plan to breastfeed and I know I won't be able to do this in public, I do not blame those who do it but please hide your humps ;)

  14. You are entirely correct.  While breastfeeding is great, there is an etiquette involved.  The woman should have retired to a more private spot available in the area, and turned her back to the room or used a baby blanket to maintain her privacy.

    The reason for this is simple: no matter how comfortable or proud of herself she may be, she still has a responsibility to consider others.  We all know that public nudity can make others uncomfortable.  The polite and proper thing for her to do is to be discreet when feeding her child in public.  What she did is pretty much the equivilent of letting a big f**t in a busy public room, in terms of manners; that has to happen too, but most of us are courteous enough not to do it in those circumstances!

    In closing, I don't think you would have been out of line to say something to her, either, as long as you were polite.  (Especially after the baby had detached.)  "Excuse me, you have a beautiful baby and I admire you for choosing to breast feed, but I am embarrassed for you sitting here exposed.  Could I help you to a more private area?"

    If she says no, you can always comment to another person "I guess I didn't realize she was an exibitionist and cared more about showing her b***s, than manners or other people's discomfort with her behavior." -- that seems rude, but I believe when someone is rude first sometimes that's the only way to get through to them, and it offers her the chance to realize how her behavior is viewed by other people.

  15. When is the last time you ate in private, not to mention, ate in a bathroom stall?  I tell you what, I would never eat in a public restroom, therefore I would never make my sweet baby do so either!  That 's disgusting!  I never really eat in private, either.  Eating is a very social thing, why should anyone hide?  Yes, mommy could try to be respectful of others, not so much because of privacy but because small children ask questions that some parents aren't ready to answer.  A mother feeding her child isn't something to be uncomfortable about, really.  For a man, maybe, but for a woman, no.  That's what b*****s are for!!

  16. If a baby is crying because he/she is hungry then the mother isn't going to look for a private place to breastfeed her child beacuse you feel uncomfortable.

  17. I have never known a breastfeeding mother to just sit there with her breast hanging out in public "just in case" the baby wanted a drink. I think you are exaggerating.

    I am totally for breastfeeding in public. and in the USA, there are laws protecting breastfeeding mothers. a women can breastfeed any place she has a right to be (so not the mens bathroom)

    My opinion is this "If you don't wanna see it, don't look. Turn your head away." and I dare ANYONE to come up to me in public and tell me not to BF...

    Id also like to say that I do nurse as discreetly as possible and Im not looking for a fight, but Im not going to let anyone bully me into feeling bad about feeding my daughter the right way

  18. i never breastfed my son , but if i could have , i would be discreet about it . iwould cover myself up and the child feed . or go to a quieter place . it doesnt bother me to see mothers feed there children , just do it politely .  

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