
Breast feeding when you have a lump on your breast?

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I have a tiny lump under my nipple the Doctor says its just a cyst but i am going for tests next week to make sure. This lump is on the breast i use most to breast feed. Will my 6 week old daughter get cancer?

Very scared and worried i can not help worrying and i keep crying over this. What have i done to my daughter?




  1. Hi, I know you are worried and i know i would be too, BUT I am sure it is prob even a block milk duct or breast cyst or fibroadenoma! I don't think there would be any chance of your daughter getting cancer through breast milk! I REALLY DON'T THINK YOU HAVE CANCER !

    However why don't you call the breast cancer helpline and ask their opinion! To put your mind at rest!

    My sister had breast cancer diagnosed 2 yrs ago whilst i was breastfeeding my son, i was told to stop feeding so they could give me a mammogram, but i refused as she was really the only family member who had it, and i did a  lot of investigating the subject!

    I eventually got my mammogram done this june, 2 yrs after i was told! I was called back immediately as something showed up in the xray! I had a scan and they gave me the all clear! I was Sh**ing bricks the whole time till i knew it was clear! All i can say is, Even God forbid if it is cancer, The success rate of cure has really increased! I mean really increased, I was told by a consultant 90 % of people survive if it is caught early! Please email me if i can be a friend! GOOD LUCK and PLEASE don't stress too much! Try and be positive!  By the way I myself have had 3 fibroadenomas 1st one when i was 14 the size of a golf ball, and 2 more when i was 19! I was worried sick from the age of 13 for a yr till i plucked up the courage to tell my mum! I know how stressful this is! God bless!  

  2. I had lumps on my nipples when I tried to breastfeed, and it was very painful but it turned out that my body just couldn't deal with the feedings.  I seriously doubt it is cancer, so don't worry too much.  Babies are all instinct and needs, and if it was cancer, she would have turned off from it.  So calm down and don't worry too much, because you CAN pass on the stress to her.

  3. Um, it's unlikely you'll give her cancer - if you would have it would have been when she was in your womb.

    If it's cancer she would be turned off anyway, keep nursing her - it's good for you and for her.

  4. Breast cancer is not contagious.  The odds of the lump being cancerous are extremely remote, and if it is, nursing on that breast will not harm your baby in anyway.

  5. Most breast feeding moms are not going to get cancer it helps protect them and thier children, actually giving children cancer fighting agents.  Some women have cystic b*****s, or a milk lump which can be fixed by nursing more.

    Contact the Lalache League, they will have the Breast information for you:)

    You have done nothing to your child only things for her and cancer is not transmitted like that, so please stop crying and blaming the breast it isn't helping in your nursing.  Call your lactation consultant they can talk to you and make you feel better and give you better advice than a blog, besides they might even be able to look at it and help you.

    I had a large lump, it became inflamed and I got a temp of 107 I had a blocked duct and then got an infection, also thinking it was cancer, but yes there is breast care you need to have, the doctor of 37 years had never seen a mastites like this before and had even taken a picture because it was so bad, to show his residence.  It all happened in less than 12 hours.

  6. no she won't get cancer and to it sounds like  cyst or a clogged duct- cysts usually go away ont heir own. i JUSt had the same problem and it actually went away on it's own. if she nurses most ont hat side it's most likely a bad plugged duct or something. anyway- you can't catch cancer- if it were cancer you shouldnt nurse during chemo

  7. Cancer is not communicable and nursing can be continued unless specified otherwise by your doctor. You haven't done anything to your daughter, please don't worry! She'll be fine, just take care of yourself.

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