
Breast/formula feeding and hungry baby?

by  |  earlier

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my son is 6 days old, delivered by emergency c-section. i was going to breast feed exclusively but i didn't have milk- that is until yesterday. my husband and i went and bought an electric pump and i have been pumping every 3 hours. (i tried breast feeding but i can't get my son latched on right and we both end up frustrated). i only get about an ounce give or take each time i pump (one ounce total from both breast, give or take a little). i have just been adding the breast milk to either the formula or just feeding it to my son by itself. even though i am giving formula and what breast milk i pump my son seems extremely hungry. he will eat any where from one to 4 (yes, four!) ounces every one to three hours. he is on enfamil lipil and seems to be doing well on it, he hardly ever spits up and is having plenty of regular wet and soiled diapers.

my questions:

approximately how much breast milk should i expect to be getting?

what can i do to produce more milk? (with my first pregnancy i had no milk production at all- this is my 2nd pregnancy)

any one else had any experiences with a baby that seems to stay hungry? what did you do?

** we have a drs appointment tomorrow for the baby and i plan on asking the dr then***



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