
Breast milk and formula, help?

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What kind of formula is most like breast milk? Is it true that some babies cant nurse because they're allergic?





  1. just like it was already said, there is no formula like breast milk. after 2 days of bearst feeding my new born baby, she didnt wanted breast no more, so i gave her formula for 3 days and it was just horrible. more spitting up... and i wanted to breast feed so bad so i tried and had a really HARD time getting back to it, but i did it! now im only breast feeding and my baby is doing better! so if u have a chance to breast feed, i would def recommend it!

  2. Nothing can compare to breast milk.  Nothing.  The commercial formulas on the market today are only a substitute and can only come close.  The nutritional value of breast milk is far superior to formula.  

    All babies nurse, it is a reflex that they are born with.  Some do have allergies though to cows milk and you should try something different.  Again, that is why breast milk is so good, no baby will be allergic to the milk itself (unless mom ate something they are sensative to.)  Its the perfect food!

  3. Everyone is right. Breastmilk is best for your baby.

    And, yes, it is possible for your baby to be allergic to your breastmilk. However, it is EXREMELY rare and it only happens if you have some kind of disease that starts with an s... i'm not sure what it is though.

    Needless to say, your baby probably isn't allergic to your breastmilk. Try taking things out of your diet if your baby is getting sick. Stop drinking dairy, for example, and see if that helps.

    I had a LOT of trouble with my little one throwing up and he had really bad painful gas and it turned out my prenatal vitamin was upsetting him.

    If you're determined it's your milk, try using formula and see if it helps but continue to pump so that if you decide to continue to breastfeed, you are able to.

    *EDIT*- Someone who doesn't speak English very well make a really STUPID comment if I can point it out. "My baby didn't want my breast no mo" or however she phrased it. THAT DOESN"T HAPPEN EITHER. Every baby wants the boob. They can't help it. :)

  4. Um excuse me uneducated mothers out there giving false information to this questioner.  YES babies can be allergic to their mothers breastmilk, how do I know this, because after 5 weeks of nursing I found out that that was exactly what was wrong with my baby and she is now totally happy and healthy 11 weeks old on formula, similac advance to be exact.... and I am not hte only one i know with the problem, an aquintance of mine also had this same problem about a year ago, its not exactly the norm, most babies are not allergic, but it does happen

    if you are going to choose to formula feed, WHICH IS TOTALLY FINE, they say that the formulas with the omegas added into them are the 'most like' breast milk they are also more expensive tho

  5. I agree with the other posters.  There is absolutely no formula out there that comes even remotely close to breast milk.  There are decent (I use that word loosely) formula substitutions out there, however (Similac and Carnation come to mind).

    Regarding allergies to breast milk…well not exactly.  What you eat often times leak into breast milk.  So doctors may ask you to not eat certain foods, however, usually that is only if your baby seems to be having an "allergic" reaction.  It's not an allergic reaction to the milk, it's to what you've eaten that has seeped into the milk.

    Your baby's doctor is really the best person to talk to, because there are so many forumlas out there that are given to different babies for different reasons.

  6. there is no formula that is even close to breast milk, in taste or in quality. and no, there are no babies that are allergic to their mothers milk

    It is not really possible for your baby to be allergic to your breastmilk. Sometime, however, babies can be sensitive to proteins in the mother's milk from foods she has ingested. There have been some reports of bloody stools in infants who are sensitive to food in their mom's diet. The most common offender is cow's milk protein (Jakobsson I, et al 1985) (Odze et al 1996).

  7. sorry, amb, but you are wrong. babies CAN have both intolerances and allergies to casein/proteins in breastmilk and as such need a hypo-allergenic formula like nutramigen or alimentum. certainly, breast milk is best and no formula is really any closer to it than any other, but for some babies hypoallergenic formula IS a better option as these allergies and intolerances can be painful and dangerous. that all said, if your baby is having problems, best to talk to your doc

    as different formulas address different issues. good luck.

    edit: oh, and yes, you want the dha/ara formula. almost all brands contain it now, but be sure to check.

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