
Breast stroke question for u swimmers and others?

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yea, i admit it..its been a long time swimming..last time i swam was prolly when i was like 6 and now, i'm 16 and i went swimming yesterday and i kinda looked retarded in the beginning. But i like breast stroke the best, better than freestyle...but i was swimming yesterday in my friends pool and i would b doing breast strokes and after i got to like the middle of the pool..i would start going towards the bottom instead of keeping level..why is that? Explain the proper motion of ur arms and legs when doing breast stroke..cuz i think i'm doing it wrong but i dont think i'm way off cuz i do it right to begin (cuz i'm level til' i get to about middle of pool) but a little after, i start going to the bottom..but yea..just explain why and explain the proper motion of your arms and legs and that good stuff..thanks




  1. mayb u r just rushing it 2 much, lyk at first u r at a gud pace nd stuff nd den u start 2 get a little tired so u rush 2 go the same pace nd den u get out of wack

  2. It's because you suck.

  3. O.K. so your legs are going to kick like a frog (thats the easiest way to explain it) your arm start at your mid chest with your hands together push arms forward then spread them apart and push untill you get to your armpits then do it over again. your head goes in and out of the water. If that was too confusing just go on YOUTUBE and watch some Michael Phelps videos.

  4. both arms up (forward) pull apart, which lifts the head so you can get some air, while getting air pull arms into your chest area, thrust forward as you frog kick (face goes into the water when arms go forward).  glide as far as you want, then do the whole thing again­.  It should be very relaxing, not tiring at all, and if you have a good kick you can glide a long way.  Breath out while gliding so you are ready to breath in again when you pull with your arms.

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