
Breastfeeding, I want to...but part of me is definitely a little freaked out about it...?

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My husband and I are talking about having our first child within the next year and we have really started researching different aspects of childhood and what we want to do in regards to them. We both want to feed our baby breast milk. We just aren't sure if I am going to use a pump or actually breast-feed. I just feel so awkward feeding a baby from my breast, my mother and my grandmother always spoke about how disgusting it was and I guess that's why I have this horrible stigma associated with it. Am I being crazy or do other women feel this way? Maybe my feelings will change when I actually become a mother? Also, is there a difference between feeding from the breast and a bottle as long as it's the breast milk?




  1. mom of 6 breasters breast feeding from the tap is much easier thansterlizing pumping feeding you are less likely to have tummy issues and theyre  it is not discusting they done it for thousands of yrs and will do it for thousands more as far as public you could pump when on an outing or earn the tricks of the trade a light blanky as a cover i sew soo i make my own nursing shirts but they do sell shirts for descrete feedings go with straight from tap the bonding is amazing

  2. i so know what you mean, i thought about it alot and it seemed strange to me.. just a bit uncomfortable as personally i seen my b*****s as a sexual part of my body and the thought of it freaked me out...

    now when my daughter was born i breastfed her.. it never crossed my mind that those were the same b*****s, it might sound strange but when you feed your baby its so natural and you find it hard to understand why people dont wanna do it... its not for everyone but in my opinion if people dont do it they miss out on a very special bond!!

    try it, if its for you then thats great, if you dont like it express and feed your baby from the bottle.. breast is best!!!

  3. Breast feeding is the best choice that I have made for my baby. It is always ready and at the right temperature for the baby. I had a rough start with breast feeding, but now me and my baby are pros at it. There are a lot of websites that you can visit, and when you do get pregnant, there are usually lactation nurses at the hospital that can help you out. Most hospitals usually have classes at breast feeding. You should check those out. Breast feeding is not disgusting... we would not be here today if mothers before formula was invented thought the same way. Breast feeding has a lot of benefits. Plus the skin to skin contact helps create a good strong bond between you and your baby. Breastfeeding also soothes the baby when needed.

    I pump when I am at work that way my baby has plenty to eat while I am not there. I breastfeed the baby when I am home with her. This will help with the milk supply and the binding with your baby.  

  4. See if your hospital offers a class on breastfeeding :-).  When I was pregnant with my dd, I thought nursing was gross, and I viewed my b*****s as something sexual that were not to be touched by a child..  Well, I did end up nursing her for a short period of time as my feelings changed..  I failed, I didn't have the support...  Pumping??  Yeah I couldn't pump a drop LOL..  Now at 37weeks, I have taken an awesome informative class on it at the hospital I will be delivering at, and cannot wait to get started on it..  It's so convenient, best for the baby, has amazing health benefits for mom, and doesn't cost a dime :-)

    I totally get you, and understand you are a bit freaked out, and you can only do what is right for you, but it sounds like you really want your baby to get BM one way or another, so I think you would benefit from taking a class..  I don't push nursing on anyone, but I love to give help if needed since I totally was on the other side of the fence with it 3 years ago :-D  Good luck to you and your baby!

  5. My ratings in infant feeding:

    1. Breastfed

    2. Formula fed while holding baby

    3. Breast milk with bottle propped

    4. Formula with bottle propped

    There is nothing disgusting about breast feeding.  

  6. Straight from a breast is definitely easier (unless there is a problem with latching / painful nipples etc), think of the night feeding!

  7. It's very, very difficult to exclusively pump for a baby. It takes a lot of work. It's much easier for a baby to get the milk out of a breast than it is for a pump to get it out. If you only pump you may have problems with low supply. But breast milk IS breast milk and any way of feeding it to a baby is better than formula.

    Some women do feel strange about it. I never did, but I can understand. Up until now your b*****s were mostly for sexual pleasure, yes? Well, once you have a baby they are dual functioning. Nursing is a purely nurturing act, not a sexual one.

    As for your mother and grandmother... do they realize why humans are called mammals? It's because we have mammary glands with which to feed our young. It's what we're designed to do!  

  8. Becoming a mother may change your views, I honestly believe you'll want to have the baby as close as possible.

    Aslong as it is breastmilk that is brilliant but keep the baby CLOSE to you so it can build a bond, it would even be better if you did properly breast feed as then you can have skin on skin contact and it fresh.

  9. It is natural to have these feelings. It is your own choice to do it or not, but I do recommend you give it a try. I always felt great about it because my mother breastfeed all three of her children. But some people don't share this opinion. And that's okay!

    When you have your baby, give it a good try. Talk to a lactation consultant to help the process. And if after a few weeks it just isn't working for you, then bottle-feeding is fine. But try it out! I can almost guarantee that when you realize what a strong bond you and your baby will have, you will come to love breastfeeding! There is nothing weird or "sexual" about breastfeeding. It's what they were made for!  

  10. I guess everyone probably feel different about it but I personally don't think its disgusting at all. It's perfectly natural. Its the best way to bond with your baby.  

  11. That is one loaded question! Yes, your feelings may change once you have a baby. I was a little freaked out about it too at first, but once I did it, it seemed like the most natural thing. However, not all moms feel this way, and that is FINE. Breast feeding is only best when it is a good experience for both mom and baby. I say give it a go and see how you feel. If you don't like it, go another route. What your baby will miss out on if you bottle feed breast milk is the skin to skin contact and bonding, but what your baby will be able to enjoy is being fed by both dad and mom. Besides there are other ways to bond with your baby. You really should do what works best for you. Whatever you decide to do, don't feel guilty. You will have plenty of time for guilt throughout the child's life! Good luck.

  12. Pumping is a hassle! It takes forever, so if you can, just breastfeed her from your b*****s :D

    It's completely natural...don't feel ashamed of what you're doing for your child. It is not disgusting...people are very open-minded these days and are becoming more accepting of it. It's natural, it's what women have b*****s for!!

    I have never felt disgusted by breastfeeding. I always admired a woman who breastfed their babies. It is so beautiful!! There are also programs at the Hospital that help moms support each other before and during breastfeeding.

    Feeding from a bottle is very difficult and is a sacrifice. Unless you are going back to work or need to have somebody watch her, you probably won't even pump. I bought a pump and just used it to freeze milk just in case I needed someone to watch her. But most of the time she was feeding from my b*****s.

  13. i have always been a very sexual being and loved my b*****s being associated with my sexuality but now that i'm breastfeeding i pretty much just view them as a couple of bottles so i don't feel weird about it.  i would take them out in front of anyone and not feel weird at all but i don't because i know it would make others feel uncomfortable.  

  14. The only difference really is the benefits to you (like loosing weight faster & uterus going back down faster).

    Honestly, I breastfed more for my son than me. I am only nursing at night now and pumping and formula feeding during the day.

    Do what's best for both you and baby, don't worry about what the masses say. If you do not want to breastfeed, then don't. If you are uncomfortable in any way the baby will pick up on it, and that's not good for baby.  

  15. Don't listen to your mother and grandmother.  Breastfeeding was not as common when they had children.

    There is nothing disgusting about breastfeeding--it is the most natural thing in the world, and remember, that is why you have b*****s in the first place!

    There are a lot of advantages to feeding directly from the breast over pumping.  You are more likely to be able to establish and maintain an adequate milk supply, and the convenience factor is a big plus.  Breastmilk directly from the source is always ready to go--you don't have to clean bottles, heat them, test the milk, etc.  

    Contact your local La Leche league or a lactation consultant to talk to them about any fears or anxieties you may have.

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