
Breastfeeding Help!!

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My second baby is due in November and he and his sister will be twelve months apart. With her I wanted to breastfeed so bad but didn't. I never could get her to latch on at the hospital or the early days home and the baby nurse that I had in the hospital was worthless. I had to have an emergency c section and will have to have a repeat c sec. with my son too and I know that the epidural makes them a little drowsy. Does anyone have any tips on getting him to latch on properly and if he dosen't can I still help to build my milk supply using a pump ? I have the Medela Pump In Style ( which I didn't have before ). Also what is a good position to use when you've had a c sect. to minimize the pain of b/f??




  1. Try to get a lot of help ahead of time and while at the hospital to make sure your baby latches on right. What a shame the nurse wasn't helpful the first time. If possible request a lactation consultant. Also get in touch with someone in you area from La Leche League, here's the website:

    They are very good and will love to help you out with holding the baby, etc.

    Breast milk is the best for you baby if you can do it, so try your hardest to make it work. The pump you have is the best and will help tons, but it is crucial to get the baby used to the nipple from the get go.

    Congratulations, and good luck!

  2. hiya hun,,,, when you wanna put baby to breast,, while supporting ya breast use one finger of the same hand to gently tickle just under babies bottom lip,,, this will encourage his rooting instinct,,  making him open his mouth wide,,,, i found this made latching on easier for me after having the same difficulties when i first started

    hope this helps

    good luck
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