My baby is 6.5 wks old now and has been an eager nurser since he was born. While I'm really glad for that, I keep finding myself feeling defeated. First I had problems getting him to latch properly, then I got mastitis, then he quit latching properly again and we discovered I have overactive letdown. It's taken 4 trips to lactation consultants to get my overactive letdown under control and get him latching back on properly.
Now I've discovered how to get him to latch on properly, but I can't seem to keep my nipples from being sore. I've given them time to heal by just pumping and bottle feeding for a few days and as soon as I started putting him back at the breast they started hurting again even with a proper latch. I've tried using those nipple shells for sore nipples but they don't help. I've even used the gel pads that stick to the nipples and they don't help. I also experiance about 2hrs of HORRIBLE, throbbing pain in my b*****s after each feeding. It seems like as soon as the pain goes away it is time to feed him again. My doc put me on a one dose treatment of diflucan because it looked like my sore nipples could have been thrush, but so far it doesn't help at all. He checked me for mastitis as well, but I don'y appear to have it. Also no clogged ducts.
They say BF isn't supposed to hurt if it's done properly, so why does it still hurt? I've done everything I know to do.I love nursing my son, and I can tell he prefers the breast, but I don;t know how long I can endure the pain. One of the LCs that I saw told me flat out she didn't know what to tell me, and I'd probably just have tough it out. (I switched LCs at that point.) I just don't know what to do anymore. How do I keep from giving up?