
Breastfeeding: How to wean

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My daughter is 8 months old, and I plan to wean her at 1 year old. I would like to know what other women have done, did they have an easy time weaning? Did they still have milk months later? How did the child react?




  1. I breastfed both of my children for a little more than a year.  I weaned them without too much discomfort on either side by gradually taking away feedings.  First, I stopped nursing during the day and only nursed in the morning and before bed time.  I let that be the norm for a few weeks and then I took away the morning feeding so I was only nursing at night (this was the one that both of my children were especially attached to - no pun intended).  Then finally, I replaced all nursing with bottles and food.  I did continue holding my babies at night while they had their last bottle so that it was as comforting as nursing.  I nurtured them a lot so that it wouldn't be a traumatic experience.

    By gradually taking away feedings, my body was able to adapt to producing less milk, so I never went through a lot of pain and discomfort that can happen when you try to wean overnight.  When I was completely finished breastfeeding, I was still producing some milk for another month.  

    Good luck!

  2. My children pretty much weaned themselves. The last 2 were breastfed exclusively until around 12 or 13 months. Once they started eating solids, they stopped nursing so much so often. Around 11 or 12 months they started to nurse 3-4 times a day because they were eating solids for 3 meals plus snacks. They only nursed once in the morning usually after breakfast, once after lunch, just before nap time, again after dinner before bed time. Sometimes a fourth time if they were having a tough day. After the 1st year they pretty much forgot about their milk-breaks (as I used to call them). With their new-found skill of walking and being able to get around all by themselves they had no more time to sit still long enough to nurse.

    Now about your milk drying up, once your baby starts to whittle down the feedings your milk will adjust on it's own. Once they stop nursing your b*****s will be a little sore and maybe engorged but it will subside in a couple days time.

    Good luck with your little one. Hope I helped you.

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