
Breastfeeding Moms: Was it easy or did you have difficulty getting started?

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Some people I know say all it took for them was putting baby on the breast, while others say it was very difficult to figure out. I'm just curious. I really want to breastfeed my baby when she's born.




  1. It is a baby's natural reflex to feed on the breast so it should be fairly easy. The hard part is positioning at first and making it comfortable for mommy and baby. I both breastfed and used pump, but i started to stimulate the nips early on so that it would be fairly easy when she was born (my pump had a stimulator on it). I think it's hard when the baby is REAL hungry and can't wait to eat because they are fussy and arent concentrating on how to get on the nip, that gets frustrating sometimes.

  2. When I was a new mom I received alot of breastfeeding support while still in the hospital from the L&D RNs and my daughter's Pediatrician. They showed me what to look for to ensure she was latching on correctly and to listen for swallowing. After that breastfeeding came very naturally to me, thankfully. Of course, I still went through sore and cracked nipples, clogged milk ducts, and feeling like a milk machine in the year I breastfed her, but it was absolutely worth it :).  

  3. With my first It was pretty difficult because I did not have proper support, had inverted nipples, and was told not only that I could not breastfeed because of them, but that my milk would not satisfy him anyways as he was a "big boy". When the certified lactation consultant got a hold of me, she really helped. Working through the sabotage and the inverted nipples, it became easier, but it was quite a trek.

    With my second, it was easy. I simply latched him on and away he went... and he is still going now, at 20 months, LoL.

  4. I definitely recommend at least trying it. I loved breastfeeding, although it took us a couple of weeks to get the hang of things. Then my son just up and decided that the milk wasn't coming out fast enough for him at 6 months and we had to switch to formula.  

  5. Yes, it was pretty easy for me. I just put my baby to my breast and she latched on.  It took a few times for her to figure out how to latch on properly, but I wouldn't let her nurse until she got the latch right.  I'd just take her off and put her on again.  

    Go to a La Leche League meeting before your baby is born so that you can meet other breastfeeding moms and get any questions that you may have answered.

  6. My mom had no issues at all. I had trouble for the first 6-8wks. The shape of my b*****s made it more difficult for my son to latch on correctly. We eventually got it figured out and I am glad I stuck it out. My son is 5 months old and still breastfeeding and now that we are over our difficult beginning I actually enjoy it. My best suggestion is to get help immediately if you have issues. I waited unil 3-4wks to get help and just stuck it out on my own. I started going to a breastfeeding support group at the hospital at that point and saw how much help the other ladies and the lactation consultant could be. I know next time I will be going the first week no matter how much I don't feel like getting up and ready.

  7. It was very easy for me, the nurses helped me get him to latch on, and from that day he always latched perfectly. However, he was a slow eater & it took him hours on the breast to get full, he slept through the feeding & whatnot. I had no problems with the latch but i believe everyone has some sort of difficulty, hopefully, if you ever have one, you'll ask here, i'll be glad to help you.

    God BLESS

  8. i tried breatfeeding all my bubs, my first just wouldn't latch on at all, it was next to impossible to feed her even on a bottle she wouldn't suck, my son it took weeks to get the hang of it, he just wasn't interested. but my newest addition latched right on as soon as they cleaned her up and gave her back to me, and she stayed on for over an hour. it can be a bit painful at first but so worth it. there will always be someone on hand at the hospital when you have bubs and my advice is dont be afraid to ak for help, if theyve just seen you giving birth they arent going to mind helping you to get bubs on the breast. good luck and remember if for some reason you cant breast feed theres nothing at all wrong with formula.  

  9. I seemed to have problems getting my first one to breastfeed.  It could have been simply I was a first time mother and was clueless myself.  When my little boy was born a month ago, he seemed to "get it" right away.  I'm sure that after your daughter is born, you'll see at least one or two lactation consultants before you go home.  They might get annoying to you, but they can be helpful in assisting you to get good breastfeeding going.

    Good luck and congrats!!

  10. it wasnt difficult to figure out, it was just hard at times, to get him to latch on. and it was painful at first.

    my nipples were extremely raw and painful, but once i got used to it it was easy and no pain involved.  

  11. Everything was hard at the beginning!  You will have all the help you need at the hospital from lactation specialists/nurses.  This is where I learned how to breastfeed and did it successfully for 10 months.  They are more than willing to help you and without embarressment!  It's a wonderful thing :)

  12. Everybody is different. You want to make sure that the baby latches on properly because if not, then it will cause unwanted tugging at the nipples and cause more pain. The nurses at the hospital are usually more than happy to help you get the baby latched on and nursing. My biggest problem was trying to breastfeed with a room full of people. I suggest that you ask people to call before they come or even politely ask them to leave the room because it is too stressful with a room full of people kind of gawking at you. Even make a little arrangement with the nurse to kindly escort people out if you give her a little sign if you don't want to offend people. Check out they have tons of helpful information.

  13. It was hard for me, so I got help from some lactation consultants. I would recommend doing some reading and attending a La Leche League meeting before your baby is born. The more people you know who know what they are doing, the better off you will be.  

  14. I breastfed both my boys, and am actually still going with my 7 month old. Breastfeeding is something you are going to really want to do for it to be able to work. In my experience it was extremely hard in the beginning both times, but I was determined to do it. I stuck it out and after a week or so it was perfect and I am sooooo glad I did! Keep going back to the lactation specialist if you have to, to get help with the latch. You will feel like you want to give up, but just don't give her a bottle and stick it out and it will all work out!! I promise! It will get easier everyday! Good Luck!

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