
Breastfeeding Moms??

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I didn't get the chance to breastfeed with my 1st son and now I have #2 due in September and I'm going to try my hardest to breast feed. I've already bought a pump and nursing bras and am going to really stick to it this time. So my question is do any of you have any tips you'd like to share, or know any GOOD books I could read to help me better prepare for breastfeeding? How do you cope with having another little one around (he will be 20 months when the new baby comes)?





  1. i am currently BF my 8 week old son and i also have a 2 1/2 year old daughter. while i am nursing my son she either plays (we make sure we have plenty of toys handy for her), sits next to me and i read her a book, or she watches cartoons.

    the best tip i can give you for breastfeeding is to be patient because i can tell you after breastfeeding 2 kids the 1st month is a little rough. the baby and you are still trying to get the hang of it, you milk supply is getting established, and the 1st few weeks my little one wanted to camp out on the breast.

    oh yeah and if you dont have one invest in a boppy pillow they are great

    good luck and congrats on the impending bundle of joy

  2. Two things, first, when you get about 35 wks, start using a rag and "scrubbing" your nipples and ariola. This will help it not be so painful when you do start to breastfeed. Second, hang in there, it hurts the first 4-5 days when you start breastfeeding and that is when a lot of people give up. Don't. It will pass. Breastfeeding is absolutely the most amazing thing you can share with your child. There is so much bonding there it is unbelievable! Good luck.

  3. Well, were working on bab number two so I can't help you there, but I can help you with the breastfeeding. Make sure you breastfeed within an hour of the delivery. The sooner, the better. Make sure you breastfeed atleast every two hours around the clock, even wake the baby up for the first two weeks. Make sure you feed on both sides at each feeding to make sure baby get's enough and you aren't lop-sided. My friend only nurses on one side and one is like an f and the others a B. lol..... not funny when it's you. Drink A TON of water all the time. Make sure you get plenty of rest. Nap whenever the kids do. For the first 6 weeks your husband and other family/friends should take over house work, cooking, cleaning, etc.......... My biggest piece of advice to you.... if you want to nurse, and you want to be successful at it...... whenever your baby cries for the first 6 weeks, change the diaper and nurse....... that's it. Don't pump at all for the first 6 weeks, it lowers your supply. Eat rolled oats or make oatmeal cookies. Rolled oats make you produce more milk and so does that nasty spanish drink MALTO or MALTA. It's nasty, but it's worth it. For those first 6 weeks it's you and the new baby. Best of Luck. I had a really hard time nursing for the first few months. Then at 4 mos. we got good. I nursed for 10 mos. Then my son refused!

  4. Best thing ever was the experience with the lactation nurse at the hospital.  I loved her so much, she made me feel calm and taught me how to properly breastfeed my baby.  Truly she was like an angel at that time.

  5. My daughter is 3 (I breastfed her for 15 months) and my son is 6 weeks.  It's hard having a toddler to deal with while trying to get used to a newborn again.  My advice is to try to be patient and teach your 20-month-old what the meaning of "wait" or "one-minute" is.  As for breastfeeding, my best advice is to also be patient, relax, and realize that both you and your baby will need time to get used to latching on right.  Your nipples will get sore but after they heal, breastfeeding is so easy.  Your milk doesn't come in right away so don't panic that your baby is starving.  Don't supplement with a bottle or formula unless you absolutely have to (and try to not pump often too early) until supply and demand and breastfeeding is truly established.  Good luck!

  6. you should read the book "the womanly art of breastfeeding" by the le lesche league. you should also go to a local le lesche leauge meeting as there are breastfeeding mothers there who will be able to give you invaluable information. i am having my first baby in september and am planning on breastfeeding for atleast 6 months, even tho i will be returning to work.

    good luck!

  7. The La Leche League is an awsome resource to connect with other moms and get accurate information.  


  8. After you have the baby, ask the hospital to send their lactation consultant to help you, most have one. Also when you breast feed at the hospital, the nurses can help you. This is your second baby, so you should get milk pretty quickly. Mostly, I recommend you relax. Everything will be OK. You are going to thank yourself for breastfeeding when you don't have to make a bottle at 3am.
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