
Breastfeeding Trouble HELLLP !!?

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My daughter is 4 days old and ever since I've been breastfeeding she would never be satisfied she would always want, want, want and my breast would start to get big and hard so I decided to breast pump it once for the first time today to relive the pain after a I gave her that bottle everything has changed. Now when she takes the breast she will stop sucking after 5- 10 mins sleep for an 30mins to an hour get fussy want more but the bottle she will sleep for 2-3 hours and be satisfied. WHAT TO DO I want to just give her back breast now.




  1. Sounds like she's not getting a good enough latch.  A correct latch should never hurt.  You should really speak to a lactation specialist especially since she is on the lighter side.  You will need to encourage her to stay awake while feeding in order to have a good feed.  She's still pretty new to the outside world and is still finding her groove.  My daughter went through a bit of the same until I went to a breastfeeding support group instructed by a lactation specialist.  There's different ways to hold your baby and things to do to ensure a proper latch as well as keep them motivated to eat.  I suggest you look into something like that, it really does take the guess work out.  Try this website, it should direct you to local assistance:

  2. Try to keep her awake when you feed her. My son used to always fall asleep while I would nurse him. Just change her diaper or something to try to keep her up so she will get more satisfied.

  3. If she is falling asleep and not eating enough to satisfy her hunger then you need to wake her up to continue feeding.

  4. Well breastfed babies generally eat every two hrs as newborns but when they are growing can go every hour.  It's hard to deal with bc ur tired but u should feed on demand.  Also since she is a small baby that could be why she is eating so often.  My daughter would only nurse 5-10 min but she would usually be good for at least two hrs but again when she was growing it would be every hour.  Breastfed babies eat more often then formula fed babies bc breastmilk is easier for them to digest so they get hungry quicker.  She may not be crying bc she's hungry it may be her tummy hurting or gas.  Make sure u stay away from foods like garlic that can give the baby gas and sometimes cows milk will bother their tummies too.  I hope that helps but if u really are concerned I would call ur ped or hospital and they can refer you to a lactation specialist.  congrats by the way!

  5. Breastfed babies feed more often. (Although it shouldn't hurt!!) However, it is a lot easier for a baby to drink from a bottle than it is to nurse.  So, she's probably more full when she drinks from a bottle. Make sure that she's latched on _properly_ if you don't want to pump.  I high recommend Dr. Jack Newman's website, as it offers advice on how to get her latched on well. Complete with illustrative videos! Also, try a lactation consultant-your hospital should recommend one.  

  6. feed on demand it will get better trust me i just went through the same thing prepare for long nights but its worth it my baby just started sleeping all night at 5 months but he is up to a wopping 17 pounds!

  7. See if your hospital has a lactation consultant you could ask advice from.  Or you could just continue to pump and give her the bottle with breast milk.  Or you could breast feed for a bit then supplement with the bottle - that's what I had to do to keep my son satisfied for the first few days.  Eventually he began to take only from my breast and I used the bottles for when dad fed him. But, at first, it seemed like I couldn't get enough milk to him, so he needed more.  The most important thing is to make sure your baby is getting enough to eat.  

  8. babies at that age need to that much. If she wants to eat every 30 mins let her. If you need to pump for a bit in between feeding do so and just store the milk for future use. But dont let her go 2-3 hours with out a feed. my lactation con. didn't want me going more then 1 and a half hours at that age.

  9. that sounds totally normal to me.. breastfeeding is the hardest the first few weeks.. it get's much much easier.. just stick with it! :)

  10. it's normal for some babies to want to breastfeed every hour, for 5-10 min.

    So based on the provided info, you have a choice between three options.

    1) feed every hour

    2)give yourself a break by pumping and let her rest for 2-3 hours before the next feeding (but then she doesn't have your b*****s)

    3) work out a schedule of a combo of the above two options.  

  11. Your probably engorged from your milk coming in which makes it hard for her to latch and get enuf to eat.  Hand express before starting so you are not so hard.  Then feed on demand so she will regulate how much for you to make.  

    Eating at the breast is relaxing...when she falls to sleep let her lay in your arms for 5-10 minutes. burp her, change her. She should be awake now. Then put her on the other side.  Or same side if you still feel full there.  

    When she first sucks she gets formilk, its lighter & sweeter,  Then she gets hindmilk, it is higher in fat & will keep her satisfied.  So maybe isn't getting enuf nindmilk

  12. Were you staying hard even after she nursed?  If so, you may not be getting a good latch.  You should look up a certified lactation consultant.  She can help make sure you're getting a good latch, plus she can weigh your baby before and after nursing to make sure she's getting enough milk.  Breastfeeding can hurt a big at first, but that pain should go away pretty quickly.  Babies that age do want to nurse a lot, and you should make sure to nurse her whenever she asks for it.

  13. maybe you have a slow let down? and so the bottle fulls her quicker? it sounds like she is so content when feeding from you that she is falling asleep before she has finished eating and then she wakes because she is hungry. Try keeping her awake while she is breast feeding. When she falls asleep put her down and maybe take a layer of clothes off to wake her up again. Try tickling her toes or check when she falls asleep. My daughter used to do this too. Keep up the breast feeding though it will get easier.

    Maybe you should get hold of la leche league. They will help sort out a solution. Or a breast feeding consultant

    Good luck

    Edit: My baby used to also eat every 30 mins when she was only a week old. They just have really tiny tummys and cant store much. Keep feeding her when she is hungry she will space her feeds out more as her tummy gets bigger.

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