
Breastfeeding and Birth Contol?

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I saw my doctor today for my 6 week checkup he said that since I am breastfeeding I will not get pregnant for at least 6 months. It took 20 months to convieve and I had to take Metformin and Clomid. I have PCOS and have gone for 7 months without a period usually 3-5 months. I am not really worried about getting pregnant but just wondering if anyone else's doctor has told them that they will not get pregnant while breastfeeding and did get pregnant? I am going to start the mini pill tomorrow but just worried that I could possibly get pregnant if I have s*x within the next 7 days. I know just use a condom to be safe but want to hear if it happened to anyone.




  1. (Pippin cheers for a moment because a doctor actually KNOWS about LAM...)

    If you are breastfeeding exclusively, (and haven't had a period)  your odds of pregnancy in the first few months are very, very low -- around 1%. (Comparable to the pill or condoms.)  If you'd rather be extra cautious, or expect to be supplementing/pumping often, then it's fine to use another method as well. The minipill is good, or you could use condoms or an IUD.  

    In any case, of odds of getting pregnant in the next week are roughly zero.  You would not  be fertile 6 weeks post-partum if you've been breastfeeding regularly.

    (Some people will post that you are 'extra fertile' immediately after giving birth. This MAY be true if you aren't breastfeeding -- your body would think that the baby has died, and do its best to get you pregnant again ASAP. But nature also knows that having babies too close together ISN'T a good thing, so she arranges for women to be INfertile for the first several months after giving birth -- to give your current baby AND you the best odds of survival.  Clever, aint she?)

    EDIT:  LAM assumes that you have NOT had a period.  Once cycles return (as with the previous poster) you are fertile again.

  2. This is a myth! You can definitely get pregnant before your baby is 6 months, even if you breastfeed exclusively!

    I breastfed both my boys exclusively and my periods returned by the time they were four months both times, which means that I was fertile and could very well have conceived.

    In fact, I did conceive while breastfeeding, once when my son was 7 months (and miscarried) and the second time when he was 9 months.

    Yes, there are mothers who are not fertile for a long time when they breastfeed, but I know a lot of examples like me and know several women who conceived before their babies turned 6 months.

    Conclusion, if you are not ready for another one, don't take the chance! :)

  3. Myth #1 – Breastfeeding cannot be relied upon to prevent pregnancy.

    Myth #2 – Any amount of breastfeeding will prevent pregnancy, regardless of the frequency of breastfeeding or whether mom’s period has returned.

    Yes, breastfeeding affects your fertility, and can be used as birth control for as long as six months post-partum, with failure rates similar or better than many commercial contraceptives.  Read the link below for more information on breastfeeding and fertility.

  4. That is bad science.  I know tons of mommas who used "breastfeeding" as birth control.  It is not effective.

    My neighbor down the street has babies 15 months apart because she used breastfeeding as birth control.  My sister in law has a boy and a girl 14 months apart because she used breastfeeding as birth control.

  5. Breastfeeding does prevent ovulation in some women and can be considered a form of birth control on its own, but that is not the case for everyone. I personally still did have periods while breastfeeding (They started right on time 4 weeks after i delivered and continued normally throughout).  And for some people, they may not get periods at first and think they are safe but the first time they ovulate is going to be risky and they may become pregnant without ever having a period first.

    I have heard of people being told breastfeeding can prevent pregnancy and becoming pregnant, but I thought that doctors ruled this out as a birth control method at least ten years ago. With the mini pill you may still need backup protection for a month as well. (Some doctors say 3 months.)

  6. What century was he educated in???? I have three girlfriends, all breast fed their kids, and all got pg while breastfeeding, they all thinking the same thing.  Breastfeeding a child will lessen the percentange, but absolutely, and postivitely prevent pregnancy????? UUUUHHHHH   no.  If you don't want another child yet, use condoms, or pills or whatever your doc recommends, but unprotected s*x has always =ed babies.  Always.

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