
Breastfeeding and Working?

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Ok, well I am currently breastfeeding my baby. I have to go back to work in 5 weeks and I keep seeing these things about having to pump milk at work. Am I supposed to pump at work every time its time for a feeding for my baby? I was planning on continuing to breastfeed and just pump for the baby at home but now I am confused. I am thinking that if I pump only once or twice a day, my milk supply will go away. I don't know if I make any sense and I'm planning to go to the lactation clinic but does anyone know how this works?




  1. Definitely pump every 2-4 hours. has a lot more information.  

  2. You need to try and have a supply of breast milk saved for the baby now while you work. Cause switching back and forth is not always a good thing. Try getting freezer storage bags for breast milk. And pump and keep it in those. They are helpful to the sitter. And healthy for the baby. I wish you luck... but you need to pump every 2-3 hrs while at work. If ur worried about being scene they have shawls that help you cover.  

  3. I recently returned to work and I didn't have a clue about pumping. I pumped 1-2 times for my 10 hr shift. Needless to say, my milk production reduced by half. It's hard to get away to pump and when I can, it's hard to find a room to pump in. It's very frustrating. When my milk production was low, it was very hard for my growing baby. She would cry at the breast. I tried everything from eating oatmeal 3x a day, fenugreek, drinking 80 oz of water, and nothing would work. I finally read about the pill reglan. I took that for three days and my milk production has returned to normal. I make it a point to feed her right before I leave, pump twice while I'm at work (always around the same time) and feed her the instant I walk through the front door! When I am with my baby I try to feed her hourly. So far I've been sucessful and most importantly, she's not crying at the breast anymore. No matter what you MUST pump and make that your priority. I also would recommend you buy a nice pump. I have the medela pump in style. I had a problem finding a room to pump in so I use the battery pack. It requires 8 AA but it was worth it to have my quiet time not to mention the privacy to pump.

  4. Depending how long your work day is you will have to pump while at work to keep up your supply and to relieve yourself so you don't get engorged.  You pump today what will be fed tomorrow.  I work an 8 hour day and pump twice at work, once around 10 and then at about 1:30.  I am able to get enough for the 3 bottles she takes while I am at work.  My goal is to get around the same amount of oz's she consumes while I am at work, even if it is in 2 sessions, instead of three.  If she eats more than sometimes I have to pump at night before I go to bed. When I am at home and on the weekends I nurse her, no bottles or pumping.

    Two weeks or so before you go back to work start practicing with your pump to develop a bit of a freezer stash for emergencies and when your baby goes through growth spurts and eats more than you pump that day.  Also introduce a bottle to her/him slowly to them used to it well in advance of you going back to work.

    If you don't already have a pump I suggest a double electric - Medela makes a great one - the pump in style.

  5. yes, generally you will need to pump at work. I usually work a 4-6 hour shift. I pump about an hour before I leave work, I get about a 4-6 oz bottle, which is enough for her when Im away. (she doesnt drink much when Im gone) The only time she gets a bottle is when Im at work, otherwise I nurse her. Its alittle more work than formula  feeding but its worth it!

  6. If you only nurse at home and go hours without pumping then yes your milk supply will go down because it is an on demand process so you only produce enough to actually fill the need.  It is best to try to pump every 2-4 hrs even while at work which can be difficult.  

  7. A lactation consultant can help you but if you pump on your breaks or whenever else you can you should be okay. Try not to go longer than 4 hours without pumping while at work everyday. Plus if you pump after you feed your baby and maybe the other side while the baby is feeding it should help too. Good nutrition and water is a must for milk supply.

  8. If you want to keep your milk supply up, you should pump around the same time baby eats.  If you do only do a few times a day your supply will go down.  My baby is 4 months old and I went back to work 2 months ago.  I am currently only about to breast feed 2 times a day because I was only able to pump 2 times a day.  My supply is not enough to keep up with baby, so he currently eats mostly formula and is breast feed 2 times a day.  

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