
Breastfeeding and periods.

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I have a question about periods while breastfeeding. I just recently gave birth to my son about 5 months ago and have been breastfeeding him since I gave birth to him. Still am. Just recently I have been feeling incredibly odd. I admit. It does feel a lot like pregnancy symptoms from time to time.

I have incredible bloating feelings and no bleeding. The closest I had was a little pink on the tissue when I used the restroom. I'm also having problems with certain smells again and it makes me want to throw up. I've also had troubles eating and drinking things. My husband and I went to Mcdonalds this morning and usually I eat everything. Today I could hardly eat anything. Even the smells in there was making me sick. Not to mention I've been SO tired again lately. I also have hypo thyroid problems which could be causing my tiredness. So, this is very hard for me to figure out right now. The question I have is. . .

Has any of you experienced these symptoms when you were breastfeeding and was getting ready to start your period? I'm thinking maybe my body is trying to either prepare itself to work back into cycles? Please help me out. I'm actually going crazy now. I don't understand why I'm feeling this way. I'm a first time Mommy so all of these new symptoms while breastfeeding is new to me and not sure what to make of it. I'd appreciate all the help I can get. Thank you!




  1. First, take a pregnancy test to rule out pregnancy.  It's very possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding, before having a period.

    Second, if it's not pregnancy, it could just be your hormones switching gears a bit.  It wouldn't hurt to get checked out if it's getting annoying.  

  2. I had my period while I was breastfeeding and was told it was normal, some women get it and some women don't. I usually didn't have any problems with it. I would suggest talking to a lactation consultant or your doctor about it.

  3. Well, I hope you have been using birth control. Even though you have not had your period yet after giving birth, you can still become pregnant. Breastfeeding will delay your period, it is a very normal occurrance. You can become pregnant while breastfeeding. It could be PMS, but IDK.

  4. this is me right now, i have been taking pregnancy tests for about 3 months.

    i am breastfeeding my son now for 11 months, and i still have not gotten a period, its common not to get a period if you are exclusively breastfeeding, but there always is a possibility to get pregnant.

    i know this might not have been much help, but there is the possibility that you are indeed pregnant, get a test!

    good luck

  5. Breastfeeding is not a birth control, so if you aren't protecting yourself - you could be. But, I never had my period while breastfeeding. I think your body is still just sensitive.. doubt you're pregnant.

  6. hmmmm....

    well you certainly could be pregnant again. for me sensitivity to smells was a clear sign that i was pregnant.

    i am a breastfeeding mother to a 10 month old son (I've breast fed my other children as well), and i have JUST started getting my periods. i have not had a normal period since BEFORE i was pregnant w/my last December of 2006! i went an entire year and 5 months w/out a period (course i was pregnant for 9 of those 17 months). my son was born Sept. of 2007 and i finally had a true period (not spotting or discharge, but a real period) in May of 2008. i skipped June and July, but have already started for Aug. so 2 periods in a year and 8 months!!

    while i was breastfeeding and not getting a period, i would still sometimes get sick, or crampy feeling like i was about to start, but nothing would happen. i never had sensitivity to smells but who knows...hormones are a funny thing.

    I'd get a HPT and just see what shows up. since you really can't gage it based on a period...base it on when you last had s*x. it takes 7-10 days for an  egg to become fertilized and implanted in your uterus. so 7-10 days after you have s*x you could in theory try a HPT, if negative, wait a week and test again. at 14-20 days your result should be very accurate.

    if you are still worried or confused about it, call up your doc for some tests. the hormones could be making your thyroid issues nuts.

  7. I would take a test, but it could just be hormones. When my period came back, my supply tanked. However, it took a year after my son was born before I lost my sensitivity to smell, and I am only now just weaning, and he's 2.  

  8. I too am breastfeeding. My son is 6 months. I have a huge appetite, am sensitive to smells, and had premenstrual feelings at times. My period just started back up. You are feeling odd because yours is about to start up as well.

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