
Breastfeeding and stopping?

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My daughter is 7 months old and I've been breastfeeding from the beginning. I've had a great milk supply and she loves to nurse. At around 6 months I introduced baby food/cereal, she loves that as well. I'm a stay at home mom, so breastfeeding doesn't put any hardship on my life, it's just a little inconvenient at times. How much longer should I go for? Should I stop now? My daughter is pretty attached to me from nursing and it's causing a little problem with putting her to bed (she likes to sleep next to me nursing) She is in perfect health as well.




  1. The World Health Organization recommends until at least age 2, and then as long after as both parties desire.

    AAP recommends at least 1 year, and then as long after as both parties desire.

    I would say at LEAST one year, and preferably two years, which is when the majority of brain growth occurs.

    The average anthopological age of weaning is roughly 4 years.

    There are a ton of benefits to "extended" breastfeeding, both for you and your daughter.

    As someone who has to supplement (I have IGT), I can tell you that nursing, while it may seem inconvenient, is FAR easier (not to mention healthier, cheaper, etc.) than bottlefeeding.  

    Great job so far!  You're doing wonderfully!

  2. When to quit breastfeeding is really a personal decision. Doctors recommend nursing for 1 year but at least 6 months. If you wanted to stop now, I suppose you could. I strongly disagree with those who say you should nurse until age 2. As far as I'm concerned, once a child is walking around and beginning to talk they're too old to nurse.

    Has your daughter ever taken a bottle? If she hasn't it could be extremely challenging. Either way you definitely need to get her to sleep in her own bed, if you continue to let her sleep with you it will cause problems later on.

  3. The WHO says to nurse until at least 2. Nurse for as long as you feel comfortable. Everday you nurse is one more blessing you give to your child. Congrats on nursing this long.

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