
Breastfeeding in public...How do you deal with ignorance like this? And tell me your stories =)?

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It's not my responsibilty to make sure the rest of the public is comfortable/ not offended/ not grossed out. If it bothers you, I have a blanket...put it over your head.

Breastfeeding is a beautiful gesture of how much you love your child... anyone who thinks of it differently is disgusting.




  1. what dude the lady has total right for what she did i think its rude! but thats my opinion i dont think a blaket wouldnt hurt! i mean the baby is going to get ideas and then the parents have to explain. and yea you shouldnt be doing that who cares about the law im just saying have some respect. I mean did you reallly have to tell her about the state law ? just saying!

  2. i am in complete shock and i pay my respects and tell you that your immaculate to provide your child with the joy,love and health of breast-feeding , what right does that freak have  to interrupt you in that kind of loving moment , please pay no attention to these earth walking idiots , because they have no right to upset you in this kind of moment i do not have a baby but i had a experience like this before when i was swimming  in the ocean and diving under the waves i accidentley shoved into a women , it was a light push very light , and how she barged at me , my friends were in shcok and even the surrounding people which were only two we were the only ones there practically  , anyways shes a mennance , but i am sorry and trust me when my friend breast feeds i defend her when anybody trys to go at her i'd do the same for you , you are absolutley fine ignore anybody who trys to go at you like that and i'll give them a bust myself , stay great sweetie and your dd ! you have a great mommy !

  3. Well, I personally don't like to walk in at a store and see someone's boob out while my kid&husband are there, but still, you were breastfeeding. You need to do what you need to do, right? I think she over reacted, and to tell you the truth, if I were you I would've let her known that (the hard way). I'm surprised nobody at your food market noticed this happening....

    I think you should just let it go, no matter how rude it was, and just move on. Don't over react like she did!

  4. Just reading your story made me upset!  What a rude and ignorant woman.  Who gives them the right to insult people like that.  I don't know what I would have done.  I would probably just stand there with a blank look unable to say a word.  What I would have like to have said would be: "That's what b*****s are for you cow!  Tacky is where you stick your own!"  Well, I don't think I could 've said that.  But she would deserve it.

    Luckily I 've never had a situation like that.  The worst I ever got was a dirty look from a woman, but I ingnored her.

    And then there's my mother in law who says:  "why are you nursing her now?"  "Because she asked. "  "And everytime she asks you nurse her?"  "Don't you get a drink or a snack everytime you want to?  Or do you check the clock to make sure it's 4, 8, or 12?"  She stopped for that day at least.  :)

    Don't let people get to you.  Anyone who knows the truth is on your side.  Good for you for being such a good mommy and giving your child what they need when they need it.

    Edit:  To people that don't want to walk into a store and see a ... GASP, boob, you're not seeing a boob!  You re seeing a baby's head, and you're imagining a boob behind it.  Mommy's top cover's everything.  To even notice she'sbreastfeeding, you're staring a little too much.  And anyway, you see more from a woman wearing a low cut top than a mom who nurses.  Why does the thought of a mother breastfeeding upset you?  maybe you should look into that.

    Maybe that's what you should 've said to that woman...

  5. why you asked again, again ???? get over it... PUT BLANKET ON IS NOT HARD!

  6. cant believe people like that. sorry to hear about what happened

  7. WOW!  Part of me feels I would have been too shocked to dignify her behavior with a response, another part of me would want to go off on her and give her the third degree including a smack in the face for coming into my bubble of peace, but the educated *lady* in me thinks this would work:

    "I'm sorry if you feel how *I* feed *MY* child is tacky.  However the manner and tone in which you approached me was uncalled for and rude.  If you don't want your husband or child to see how babies are meant to be fed, put a blanket over THEM or just avoid women who breastfeed altogether."

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