
Breastfeeding mamas, how old was your baby when you first gave them cow (whole) milk?

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or did you not and just expressed breast milk to put in a cup?




  1. I started my daughter on whole milk at 12 months old.  

  2. my son is 33 months old  and still nursing some and NEVER would take expressed breast milk from a bottle or cup. At 7-8 months old he started to steal his sister's sippy of whole milk. I did not see a problem with it if he liked the taste. I got a lot of c**p for it on a baby website message board. My son is perfectly healthy and enjoyed his tastes of milk.

  3. Dd weaned herself from breastfeeding at 11 months. I had been giving her formula in a sippy cup at meals and then bottle at night (when she refused the breast) as I wasn't very good at the expressing thing. Her pediatrician said it was okay to introduce cows milk at 11 months, slowly, by adding it to her formula. Like 1 oz milk, 7 oz formula the first day, then 2 oz milk 6 oz formula, etc. until it was all milk.

  4. My baby was 11 months. My doctor okay'd it at nine months, but  I still wanted to wait until closer to a year, since that is generally the recommendation. Cows milk contains higher quantities of sodium, and they believe it can cause intestinal bleeding in some babies.  

  5. youre supposed to wait until the child is 12 months to give it milk. :)

  6. my baby is 14 months old and I don't plan on giving her any . People are trying to pressure me that she needs cow's milk and that it is time but milk is much better for her than cow's. It was made for her so I put it in a sippy cup and will continue.

  7. 1 years old.

  8. never did we use soy milk ..cows milk is for baby cows

  9. I let her try it when she was 1, but she never liked it, so I didn't push it.

    Babies only need milk for the first 2 yrs.  So I breastfed for 2 yrs.  Now she gets her calcium from other means.

  10. Please continue to breast feed until your baby is at least 1 year old.

    You are providing important components of immunity which can NOT be gotten from regular milk.

    Babies that are breast fed have a stronger NATURAL immunity because they get some of it from you.

  11. I breastfed up until my son was 18 months old and also gave him some whole milk during dinner time at about 14 months

  12. they can have cows milk whole milk when they turn 1 years old. that's when the doctor says they can have it.  

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