
Breastfeeding moms, when did you wean, and any tips on ways to comfort child to replace the breast???

by  |  earlier

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My son is almost 14 months, and he begs to breastfeed pretty often even after my failed attempts to wean him. He seems to be really comforted by it and it puts him to sleep. I've tried rocking, patting, other things for comfort, but he will pull at my shirt and beg for the breast. I haven't had the heart to be firm and tell him no yet. He'll take a sippy cup or bottle, but nothing seems to compare to the comfort he receives from breastfeeding. I'd like to wean, he's getting big, and it hurts at times, but I'd like to find new ways to comfort him, and ways to get through this process. Any ideas would be appreciated.




  1. I can sympathize but unfortunately I had no problem but I think what helped is we stopped the night feedings by a year.   One good feeding before bed and that was it no other.  I just held then or my husband held them if they woke up during the night but that did not happen often.  During the day it was cup or sipper with an occasional bottle of breast milk.  My sister was desperate with her two year old so she did the advice from her pediatrician ( I thought it was cruel but it worked).  She lightly flavored her nipple with bittersweet.  It is not toxic just bitter,  It only took him a couple of tries and he did not want it. I know it sounds terrible but that was her choice.  Children will eventually wean themselves. I think for breast babies it is more for comfort rather than nutrition.   Good luck

  2. My best advice is to let someone other than you give him a bottle and try to comfort him. Have his father or someone else close to him hold him and comfort him while he has a bottle. I know it is hard on you just as it is on him but he associates you with nursing. If he receives love and comfort while he gets his bottle he should be fine. If you give him his bottle he will still associate you with nursing and won't relax because he knows you are keeping something from him. I think that weaning is harder on the mom sometimes.  

  3. Tell him he's a big boy and ther is no more milk left for him..make it look like theres nothing you can do.  You need to be strong and just deal with his whining because he will get over it.  Tell him you have this bottle which has milk in it.  when he is hungry he will take the bottle.

  4. my sister told her son that her b*****s were broken.  he bought it!

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