
Breastfeeding moms...Anyone else sick of hearing 'get him off your breast'?

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I just asked a question in the newborn section about extended breastfeeding and got great feed back. I asked the same question in the toddler section thinking these females are experienced and I've already gotten 2 'get him off that breast' answers! Is anyone else sick of hearing negative feedback for doing what's best for your child?

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that "Breastfeeding should be continued for at least the first year of life and beyond for as long as mutually desired by mother and child... ." (AAP 2005)

The American Academy of Family Physicians recommends that breastfeeding continue throughout the first year of life and that "Breastfeeding beyond the first year offers considerable benefits to both mother and child, and should continue as long as mutually desired." They also note that "If the child is younger than two years of age, the child is at increased risk of illness if weaned." (AAFP 2001)

A US Surgeon General has stated that it is a lucky baby who continues to nurse until age two. (Novello 1990)

The World Health Organization emphasizes the importance of nursing up to two years of age or beyond (WHO 1992, WHO 2002). just frustrates me! And 'getting him off my breast' had nothing to do with the question!




  1. I think it is great if you can continue to breastfeed for as long as possible. What I don't like is when women like me that had to wean their baby at 6 months continually get bashed. I think any woman who breastfeeds should get praise for it, whether they decide to wean at 6 months or continue past the first year!!!

  2. Yeah, it's an irritating thing.  People look at you funny when you nurse a baby older than like, 9 months.  Thats what I got at least.

    The best thing to do it pity them.  They are on track minded, the feel its "icky" and "sexual" when HELLO - thats why women where given b*****s.  To nurish our children.  

    Why is it ok for babies to drink from a bottle until 2 years or so, but when it's nursing it's "not right?"  It's a choice made by mother and child.

    Everyone else can just look the other way if it bothers them so!

  3. Natural/attachment parenting, extended breastfeeding, alternative medicine, whole living... mention any of these things in public and most people will look at you as if you had 3 heads.  I have learned to laugh it off... because these mothers will also have children still dependent on the bottle or pacifier at age 4. But I say great!!!  If the child can self soothe that is wonderful.   What a scary and frustrating world it must be for these little guys... any little bit of comfort they can get is better than none at all.  As people who parent by attachment it comes naturally for us to give of our whole selves body included.  Using what God gave us to provide peace and joy in our childrens life is anything but taboo or discuting.  Now try explaining EC to the same group of judgemental women...LOL .... that one is really fun!

  4. It isn't necesssarily whats best for your child after a certain age, its what you choose to do because you draw psychological comfort from it while having a 'holier than thou' attitude towards mothers who don't do it. Thats what bothers people

    There is plenty of research saying its beneficial up to a certain age, but the majority of the research has inconclusive results and just gets ignored because it doesn't 'prove' what interested parties want it to 'prove'

  5. fortunately no one i know says that anymore- occasioanlly they ask if he is still nursing and i just say yes. it is really annoying especially when they say rude things like it's gross or the mother has problems. my best friendd didn't even breastfeed but she even knows the WHO reccomends 2 years and thinks i should do it til then

    Hey THINK why don't you live up to your name and do a little of that thing called THINK

  6. yes  I am sick of hearing it. I just ignore it, most people are uneducated when it comes to breastfeeding and it gets tiring explaining it to everyone.

  7. i breastfeed my little one shes 3 1/2 months i originally only wanted to until she was a year but recently i have decided to until she is 2 or until she doesn't want to anymore. I'm the first in my family since my aunts which are in their 60s to bf and i have a large family i always get " you'll stop when she gets teeth" or " why would you want to for so long" or " that's a private thing i don't need to know you do that" and actually the only one that really supports me is my father and he is amazing and backs me on it whenever i hear c**p from others weird huh  

  8. If ya live in the states, many moms don't breastfeed past a year so I felt like an odd-ball breastfeeding my little sweet peas for so long.  However, they're healthy and they're snuggle bugs.  You'll never regret having given your children the best nutrition and keeping them close to your heart in such a literal way as you nourished their body and mind.  Good for you for breastfeeding despite stupid remarks!!!  

  9. Don't pay any attention. I also plan to breastfeed as long as possible (my daughter is 4 months old now) and already used to people criticizing this decision. I carry my baby all the time because she wouldnt sit in her crib or stroller and they say I should ignore her crying in order not to spoil her. But, I am very confident about my decisions, because I AM THE MOTHER. I know whats best for my baby.

  10. Yes, people often don't read your questions, they just answer with their own agenda.  I ask best sling, I get back "ever heard of a stroller", I ask about co-sleeping, I get " Just stick him in a crib".  As if being a mom wasn't hard enough without all this c**p!

  11. Whatever.  Don't let it bother you at all.  Those people are uneducated or are feeling guilty for not giving their children the nutrition they need.  

  12. I know how you feel. I asked the question about breastfeeding an adopted child and I asked for no negativity and that's all I got. I am very frustrated and wish that people who are against me doing this would keep there mouth shut as I have requested. There are people out there who think they are super moms and wish to brain wash us on how its "supposed to be done in their minds. It really sad actually but who cares they must have nothing better to do other than comment on stuff they wish they had control of. Karma will bite them in the butt sooner or later so just pay no attention to them....

  13. Yeah, it's really annoying. My son is seven months old and my grandmother has already said this to me once. Other people (here on Y!A) also said it when I posted a question about biting.

    Originally, when I first found out I was pregnant, my goal was to breastfeed for six months. After I had him my goal became one year (because the thought of nursing a toddler seemed kind of weird). Now my goal is to nurse until he weans him self (hopefully at least two years).

    My advice? Do what is best for your family, not what "other people" think you should do.  

  14. My son is 10mo now, and people are also starting to ask / assume that I will be weaning him soon.  My favorite thing to tell people who make themselves obnoxious is that according to the WHO, formula is the FOURTH-BEST thing to feed my child.  (Nursing is #1, your own milk expressed in bottles is #2, another mother's human milk from a milk bank is #3, and formula is #4.)  Whyever would we want to feed our precious children something that is fourth-best?

    (Of course, I save this for people who pester me, I don't use it to guilt those who are bottle-feeding for whatever reason.)

    Anyway, good luck to you, and I would suggest asking questions on the La Leche League mother-to-mother forum in the future - you will get much more positive feedback :-).

    Check them out at - there's actually a special forum for "breastfeeding beyond one" :-) !

  15. Those are women with hangups of their own.  They probably didn't breastfeed at all, or for some reason consider it "sexual or nasty".

  16. I had the same "problem" with the comments when I was breastfeeding my daughter.  To me when I was pregnant it was not a question at all weather to breasfeed or not (I knew I would) and I hadn't really thought about how long I was going to do it for.  I guess I just figured that I would do it untill she weaned herself.  I breastfed until I was almost 3yo when my mother was killed.

    I see absolutley nothing wrong with breastfeeding for as long as you and the child are comfortable with.  The problem is that b*****s are looked at as being sexual objects and that they are there for sexual pleasure.  People do not realize that the first "purpose" of b*****s is to feed and nourish our young and second to be for sexual use if so desired.  I guess there are just too many perverted people in the world.  

    With my daughter I was forced to stop breast feeding her at 2 1/2 because her biological father kidnapped her (we were separated).  I did not see her for 2 months and by the time I got her back my milk was dried up.

    I used to get mean comments from my MIL and even my husband at the time (her father) about breastfeeding.  They used to say that it was "sick" or that I was "sexual twisted" because I was still breastfeeding.  They used to tell me that I was forcing my daughter to continue to breast feeed against her will.  There was no point arguing with them because they knew what they were talking about and I didn't.

    My daughter never got an ear infection until she stoped breastfeeding.  She was very easy to take places all I needed was a couple diapers, some wippies and me.  I did not have to buy expensive formula that tries to replicate breast milk, or worry about bottles and nipples.  It was very easy.  It still is, she is 4yo now and is a very easy child.  And we have a very close bond that I contribute to breastfeeding.  

    I am expecting #2 in Feburary and my new husband is totally supportive of me breastfeeding for as long as the baby wants to.  At first he was a little unsure about it, asking, "Well don't you stop when the baby gets teeth, can't he eat solid food then?"  I explained to him all of the benefits and he is very supportive now.  

    No one looks at the benefits:

    Breast milk has agents (called antibodies) in it to help protect infants from bacteria and viruses. Recent studies show that babies who are not exclusively breastfed for 6 months are more likely to develop a wide range of infectious diseases including ear infections, diarrhea, respiratory illnesses and have more hospitalizations. Also, infants who are not breastfed have a 21% higher postneonatal infant mortality rate in the U.S.

    Some studies suggest that infants who are not breastfed have higher rates of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) in the first year of life, and higher rates of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, lymphoma, leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, overweight and obesity, high cholesterol and asthma. More research in these areas is needed (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2005).

    Babies who are not breastfed are sick more often and have more doctor's visits.

    Also, when you breastfeed, there are no bottles and nipples to sterilize. Unlike human milk straight from the breast, infant formula has a chance of being contaminated.

    One last thing I want to say is that I am not trying to condemn anyone that did/does not breast feed their child.  It is a personal choice and it is not mine to make for you just as it is not yours to make for me.

    Sorry if my spelling is off, my spell checker is not working.

  17. You have to laugh at the ignorance in the world, or you will cry about it.  There is nothing wrong, and there's everything good about nurturing and breastfeeding your baby.  These women who dis you are probably feeling inadequate about their own bodies and their capeabilities.  I would feel sorry for them, rather than frustrate yourself.

    Great job mom, keep up the great work.

  18. THINK is a MORON, hun.  I think she's probably got more psychological problems than we need to know about.......................

    You're doing a great job by continuing to breastfeed your son.  Kudos :)

  19. Remember all those nasty girls you knew in high school? Well, they grow up and have babies and continue to be nasty.  They also grow up to become nasty MILs.  The funny thing you will notice is that those women are the most likely not to allow emails because they want to live on their pedestal that their opinion should be regarded as the best one and any comments to the contrary are by ill-tempered rabble.

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