
Breastfeeding moms PLEASE ANSWER!!?

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did you take breast feeding classes and did you like it? did you learn alot, and benefit from it? also, would you say the lactation consultant you get after birth actualy helped you more? so are the classes worth going to? thanks and blessings




  1. Didn't take any.

    I wish I could have though. Some things are so obvious when someone tells you, but completely beyond bizzare.

    I'd love to have gone, for the simple fact of that if it was local I'd meet other women that BF, and be able to discuss little probs with them.

  2. no i didnt take any classes.

    the lactation consultants in the hospital i delivered at were horrible,virtually of no help. (thank go my next baby will be born at the new hospital that ws built recently that is closer to home.)

    i found a lot of it was trial and error and natural instinct.

  3. I breastfed my first son for 2months and didn't get any help or go to any classes...we both just kind of worked on it ourselves...he understood mommy and I understood him. I had planned on, and plan on it again this time, to breastfeed for the first year if possible. I wasn't producing enough to sate my son's appetite and he was too little for cereal, so I switched him to formula.

  4. My wife took both the classes and consulted a lactation consultant. They were both very much worth it. Breastfeeding was incredibly difficult for her and they were very helpful. You can also join and call the La Leche League International. There should be a chapter in your town that you can call even late at night: ( ). Congratulations and Good luck. You are doing the best thing for your baby.

  5. The breastfeeding classes didn't really tell me much more then I had already read. But I had done lots of reading while I was pregnant. I think the breast feeding class is very beneficial if you have a hubby or boyfriend around. My husband came with me and he learned alot that he didn't know. It really helps to have a supportive partner.I guess it depends on the lactation consultant that you get. The lactation consultant I used first was from the hopsital and she was very technical. I called a service from the phonebook who came to my house and she was very encouraging and helpful. But honestly the person who helped me the most was my mom she was the most patient and informative of them all. I would look for a close friend or relative that has nursed before to be your coach. I thought nursing was going to come natural. However, with my first I was so concerned about the latch, I had sore nipples was the baby getting enough. My mom helped me work through those issues. She also pushed me not to give up which I am glad because once you have it mastered it is such an easy thing to do. So it is very important to have people who want to support you in nursing instead of talking you into how easy it is to bottlefeed.

  6. I just gave birth three weeks ago and started breastfeeding. If you are giving birth in a hospital like I did, then the nursing staff and lactation consultants are extremely helpful. They work with you one on one and the information is easier to understand once you are actually doing it. The breastfeeding classes were not so helpful because, if you have never breastfed before, it is impossible to tell how you or your baby will react. I suggest using the hospital resources after giving birth and taking any additional information home for help if you need it. My son and I have been very successful with that. Also, The Nursing Mother's Companion is a great book for info and help after you and your baby are going at it alone.

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