
Breastfeeding mothers?

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when i feed my daughter it takes about 10 mins of latching on then pushing me away til she finally does it by that time we r both covered in milk we have to keep towels handy. does any one else have this problem.




  1. I did! We went through this for about a wekk. Then we both finnally figured out the whole breast feeding thing. Now we're both pro's!

    Just keep at it :)

  2. That sounds like overactive letdown or oversupply.  It will fix itself in time.  Read more about it:

    Keep going, mama.  Breastfeeding is totally worth it!  It will get better in time.

  3. hi, it sounds like your let down is coming out to fast for her and its frightening her a bit, if it helps then express a little first so she doesnt get a full spray, but my dd is almost 5 months and i still have to have a facewasher handy because she dribbles and lets milk come out of her mouth ans she always comes off as my let down comes through because something has caught her eye. once you get your latch problems all sorted (which u will) it will be great, give urself some time, i really does a couple of months to get the full swing

  4. Hi, I breastfed all four of my kids and they all did exactly what your little one is doing. It also got very messy. Don't worry  pretty soon your little one will become a pro. Good luck.

  5. Definitely went through a couple weeks like that. You'll get it!

  6. Yes... my baby gets very "angry" at my nipples... lol... there is a lot of pushing and shoving... and sometimes it will seem like she is trying to rip my nipple off... I feel like I have to bathe after every feeding due to this since I am covered in milk afterward, which gets very sticky I might add. Anyway... my solution: pump. It makes a world of a difference. And you will be able to measure your baby's ounces per feeding better. But if you are like me and enjoy the bond between mommy and baby, you can still breastfeed. But pumping (I use playtex nurser) will allow your baby to learn to latch better. You should give it a shot!! Good luck

    EDIT: well thanks for all the thumbs down. My pediatrician gave me this advice by the way. Yes like people say it is the let down that causes this. And the pump is to control the let down. And yes it will eventually stop, but the pump helps speed that process along.  I swear I hate it when people give thumbs down when they dont need to.
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