
Breastfeeding or Formula?

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I am 14 years old and don't plan on having a child anytime soon for the record,but I wanted to know which food is better for the baby? Breast milk or formula?




  1. breastfeeding is better breastfeeding is not for every women to do i was not able to breastfeed.

  2. Breast milk is MUCH MUCH better. It has antibodies in it that help strengthen a baby's immune system better than any type of formula. It is also easier digested by a baby's little digestive system.

  3. Breast milk is better for the baby, because it has antibodies and other good nutrition. Formula is not bad either so women who feed their baby's formula should not feel bad at all. When a woman breastfeeds in public it is polite to cover up with a towel or a blanket or something so the whole world  doesn't have to see. Once I was an unaccompanied minor on a plane.  I was sitting in coach. The woman next to me had a baby, that was fine with me. She had to nurse her baby, fine with me. But she could of covered up with a blanket. Not a pleasant experience having most of her bare breast right next to you. That is one reason why when women nurse in public they should cover up .

  4. Read the back of any formula can, and you'll see the same thing - breast is best.  No formula even comes close to being as nutritious as breast milk.  

    That said, I'm very impressed with your mature attitude toward breast feeding.  It sounds like you're wise beyond your years, and many adults could take a lesson from you.

  5. breast milk is the best even formula makers  say breast milk is the best.

  6. you seem to have a very mature outlook for someone only 14, I'm sure your parents are very proud of you.

    Breast milk is definitely best under any circumstance.  Formula is full of chemicals that are in many cases actually harmful.  That's not to say that with the chemicals in water, food and air that we are all exposed to that breast milk is chemical free, the other qualities of it trump the bad stuff.  Breast milk is a living substance that actually has antibodies in it to help prevent babies from getting sick, or help make them better faster if they do get sick.  Breast feeding also has numerous benefits to the Mommy, as well, such as lowering her risk of breast, uterine, and ovarian cancers, lowering her risk of osteoporosis, and helping her uterus shrink back to it's pre pregnancy size faster.  It also releases oxytocin, which is a hormone that helps aid us in bonding with our babies.

    Good for you for wanting to educate yourself.

  7. Breastfeeding is superior in every way for the baby, but formula feeding is sufficient and no one should feel bad if they can't cope with breastfeeding. Breast milk has antibodies though that keep the baby safe from anything the mother is safe from (disease). It is also better in nutrition content for baby, is easier for baby to digest, and offers the bonding and closeness because the baby nurses. It's not unsafe to formula feed though, it's not a bad thing. Some women can't keep up with milk needs so they formula feed, or formula feed when they have to and breastfeed when they can. As for breastfeeding in public, it's not gross or weird, but it is common courtesy to put a towel or a blanket over you just so your bare breast isn't exposed to the public.

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