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Lately i have been feeling kinda weird. A few days ago i had a little diarrhea. My b***s have been hurting a lot lately.. I was breastfeeding my daughter but stopped about 1 month ago am i sore from stopping or could i be pregnant? I haven't got my period since before i was pregnant with my daughter who is 11 months.. What is going on with me.. how should I be feeling after i quit breastfeeding her, if I should feel any different. i did take a test but could it be too soon?? thanks!!!




  1. The same thing happened to me.  I breastfed my son for 12 months.  A couple of weeks after I stopped, I started getting pregnancy symptoms.  I hadn't had my period since before I got pregnant as well.  My doctor said it was from my hormones changing AGAIN.  My period finally came back about 1 1/2 to 2 months later and now I finally feel "normal"!

  2. It is possible that you ovulated and got pregnant before you ever had a period. I would wait 3 days and test again. If you keep getting more symptoms, see a doctor about it!

  3. you ovulate before you get your period, so you could possibly be pregnant. Yes it would be too soon to test.
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