my baby is 5 days oldher discharge wiehgt fromt he hospital was 5 lbs 15 ozs, she was born at 38 weeks 6 days. my breast size prepregnancy is a d pushing a dd, so my b*****s engorged are ginormous!! (yes i just made that a word) needless to say my nipple is too big for her mouth. we had problems to begin with, as far as latching on, but she did finally get it. the first day home from the hospital (3 days old, i was engorged) she didn't have any dirty diapers, and her wet diapers were orange and thick, like she was i just pumped. and i have been pumping since, and pumping is going good. my milk has already come in, this is my 2nd baby bfing. my 1st was a piece of cake bfing, no problems. after i pump about 3 ozs, 1 1/2 ozs out of each, i just bottlefeed her that, and then she takes a soothie paci because she eats it so fast she still needs to fullfill her sucking reflex. the 1st day she latched on and the nursery told me since she latched on ok it was ok to give her the paci, and actually they gave it to her. sooo now after i finish bottlefeeding her, instead of using the paci for the sucking we have been practicing sucking on me......and she just screams and pushes away......finally the other night she did latch on. but since then nothing. today before feeding her, since i am not as engorged i tried to latch her on, and she just stiffins up and gets upset. she'll latch on and then push away and cry. i don't know what the deal is. overactive letdown?? i just drip though, i am not a streamer. i know i am doing alot wrong, but now i am trying to trace my steps backwards to repair what i've messed up , and i am lost!! i DO NOT want to formula feed or supplement with formula, and she was obviously dehydrated.....before i started pumping, but the pumping is getting to be inconveinent. my MIL is with us for the next 2 weeks, and i am sick of going into our room to pump......HELP PLEASE!!!!!1